MovieChat Forums > Jenna Dewan Discussion > For Channing Tatum fangirls/boys

For Channing Tatum fangirls/boys

I think its hilarious than "fangirls" ( or some boys) of Channing are always dissing Jenna and calling her ugly, or claiming she is only with him for the money and the fame. Well those people should do their homework.

Jenna may not be "as famous" as Channing today , but shes been in the industry years before Channing ever was. She started off by being the backup dancer and in music videos for Janet Jackson, 'N Sync, P diddy, Toni Braxton, Celine Dion, Pink, Missy Elliott, Ricky Martin, plus more before her acting career started in 2002. She used to date Justin Timberlake. THEN she met Channing when they both landed the leads in Step Up in 2005 but it was released in 2006. HE was LUCKY to score HER. their love started when she was actually more known than him as he started his acting career a couple years earlier.

But as Hollywood is known to do, at random, any celebrity that wasnt as famous all of sudden "GETS" more famous, very fast. and Channing keeps getting chance after chance because of his looks. The reason he is where he is, is because he is Beautiful. He cant act worth $hit. I know this, you know this, We all know this. Well, to be fair, at the beginning he was TERRIBLE, but because he is beautiful and directors love casting him, its giving him a chance to grow and get better, and he is. He truly is.But at a glacial place.( I fully understand that I will probably get reemed by Team Tatum for saying this and thats a chance i'll take. because I LOVE channing. I think he is rad as he!! but I have to be honest, he is not the best actor)

Anyway, no Jenna is not a gold digger or with him because he is super famous, because she has money of her own, a career of her own and they met when either of them were all that famous, and like I said she was a bit more experienced than him so SHE was a score for him, and HE was a score for her.

I want to remind the Channing Tatum fangirls that they married because they were in love and please put yourself into Jenna's shoes. Imagine that you and your husband are young and starting your life together , both working actors and then BOOM your husband blows up and becomes one of the most famous actors in the world, always in demand, always traveling, on sets, being pulled from every which way, going long periods of time not seeing him, so you go from being the only thing he concentrated on in life, to being one of many things he needs to concentrate on. Everybody ALWAYS wanting your husbands attention, especially women. Imagine you are Jenna and you are home with their baby and not currently on set with Channing and you log onto the internet and see on the news of your homepage a paparrazzi pic of Channing in another country getting bombarded by female fans fawning and trying to get pics with your husband. This happens everyday. I'm sure she is over all fine, confident woman who trusts her husband, but come on. it must be hard and EXHAUSTING. It would be weird if she DIDNT have some concerns its alot to handle. Women tempting her husband daily. So next time you diss her, remember that you are some fan girl that will never have a chance with Channing and your role in what this new found "celebrirty status" for Channing is. You would NOT like if the love of your life was wanted by every woman in the world. You are better than that. Love him from afar. Be a normal fan. A little respect, please.


Good post, I totally agree. I think she's beyond gorgeous (with phenomenal skin!), and they look incredibly happy together. One of my favorite celebrity couples!!


I am a ridiculous fan of channing. And while I didn't diss Jenna. It took me a long time to like her. To me. She's only attractive when the make up teams are on her but I still think she's a sweetheart good person according to her interviews and the way she carries herself. I'm not a fan of her movie work but I like her enough.


Channing is that much hotter BECAUSE he a faithful loving husband and doting dad. He isn't just a pretty face. He is the whole package, all that and a bag of chips. Nothing is sexier than confidence, a great sense of humor and loyalty. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of Jenna. All that matters is that Channing loves her. I hope that they go the distance and wish them all the best.


Jenna is absolutely gorgeous. From a mans point of view I do not know who wouldn't agree. She is like amazingly beautiful. Her eyes are piercing and she has a very symmetrical and properly defined face as well as having an amazing body from top to bottom, literally. And then she has a great tan on top of that. She is down right fine as hell. I don't know which men you are talking to but whoever you know who thinks she isn't all that and more is probably either someone who hates Channing Tatum, is in one way or another jealous of the fact that they would never land a woman that beautiful in their lives, have HORRIBLE taste in women or may vey well be closeted homosexuals.

As for Mr. Tatum. I didn't like him at first at all. Then after I saw 21 Jump Street and a couple of his other movies, I started to realize that he is getting a lot better as an actor and taking on more complicated roles now that showcase just that. He was amazing in Foxcatcher, but was eclipsed by the Oscar deserving performance of Steve Carrell. Some of the independent movies he has been in showcase his different sides. Not just the action star or heartthrob that his career started out as. I'm not saying he's a Dicaprio or Bale or Norton, but he's gotten pretty good at breaking out of his original typecast roles.

Anyway back to my long tirade of a point. Jenna Dewan Tatum is absolutely beautiful. I just looked through a lot of her IMDb pictures and there is not one where she looks gorgeous. And yes she is wearing make up in most of them. But so is everyone else. So saying she isn't as hot as this other famous actress or entertainer or that he could do better. They are caked in makeup too.


Correction-there's NOT one where she doesn't look gorgeous.


I've read that Channing is bi-sexual, so it could be an " arranged " marriage.


I'm a fan of Channing. I used to think she was ugly. HOWEVER! I've come to the realization that she looks like all Hollywood women. They need the Hollywood stylists to make them look gorgeous. Cause dam she's pretty in movies shows photoshoots. But in her candid shots. She's a hot mess. So is he though and trust. I love me some channing
