A Heughan Holiday! I like it. The driving thing makes me giggle as I have the same thoughts when I am in Europe. I could never drive on the "wrong side of the road" without taking a few people out. It is so confusing!



Haha, silly lad! You don't need to drive in the US as there are any number of willing chauffeurs available to cart you to and fro!! And any day with him would be a holiday for sure!!

I just got back from Phoenix (I live in California) and I didn't realize that many of their signal lights for left turns are not specifically for left turners! You can turn left but you have to wait for the other cars coming in your direction to pass you first. I was almost in a wreck the first night!! After I learned the rule on the lights, I was ok. When in "Rome" learn the road rules BEFORE you drive!!
