No longer fat

She could have destroyed her looks permanently by getting Renee Zelwegger. She should not take health risks like that. Fat people are at much higher risk of breast cancer. Being fat is like smoking...on the likelihood of cancer.


My cousin died of cancer at 34...he was obese... Could have been prevented if he ate less


When was she ever fat?


Last few years ....for a movie role. She likely missed out on a lot of other roles as a result of her change too.


wow is that method acting? how old was she then? she is only 23! what 20 year old wants to get fat for a role in a movie.


i'm trying to find out what movie she got fat for and all i could find is just a few pounds between brooklyn and other movie roles. WTF so this thread is an exatterated hollywood fat? Man I am definitley dying before i'm 50 because in hollywood standards i'm john candy fat.


Time to nip this trolling in the bud. It was certainly not the last few years. She gained a little weight for filming Brooklyn in 2014. She was not overweight at all when she filmed Stockholm Pa., several months earlier in 2014. The weight gain continued and was noticeable by the January, 2015, Sundance premier of Brooklyn. No one knows why. Living away from home for the first time has been suggested. By April, 2015 the weight was gone, in time for her filming The Seagull later in 2015, in time for her January to July 2016 run on Broadway for The Crucible. We're talking six months tops a year and a half ago. No reason whatsoever for this coming up now.


Wait, you seriously called that fat?


She was never fat.  STFU. 


Relative to an average American....she was normal yeah, she was fat.


She was still beautiful even when she was fat!
