

She sent the message she meant to send. There was no reason to wear a jacket in 80 degree weather






I think it's brilliant. She is saying in other words "f you" to anyone that criticizes what she and the President are doing.


Nice. F u to people trying to escape drug cartel death squads.


Oh please. One of the women was running away from an abusive husband. That is NOT grounds for asylum. And this very same thing was being done by obama but that has never been talked about. I'm surprised President Trump hasn't mentioned it.


So am I. That orange buffoon can't go a day without whining about Obama or Hillary or anyone he can blame his monumental failings on.


Well at least he's the POTUS unlike O and H who really need to figure out how to get another life now that they are no longer public servants.


Why? Opposing a racist fascist seems like a very worthy way to spend time.

Certainly better than talking about how great and funny dictators are


Why not? It's not America's responsibility to fix drug littered South American countries. Why can't they fix their own mess?



Trump explains for Libtards:


“I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!


Exactly and I'll say it again, brilliant!!!

