MovieChat Forums > Melania Trump Discussion > She's an embarrassement

She's an embarrassement

She's from Slovenia but she speaks English even with her family. She pretends she doesn't know Slovene and never comes back home. It's embarrassing and disgusting that she's ashamed of her own nationality. Especially since she comes from such a beautiful country. It's really sad and I hate her so much for that.

Thanks for letting me rant :P


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You've got issues. Hate is a really strong emotion. Try seeking some help with that.


Her husband is a bigger embarrassment


The first gold-digger or the first bimbo?

Why do they call 'em soap operas anyway? Those things are FILTHY!----Fred Sanford


Melania IS the next First Lady; we must get used to it, painful as it is. Still, she seems the better half of the Trump partnership, with more class than his second wife Marla Maples, who was much more of a bimbo, and an adulteress to boot. I just hope her husband doesn't do real damage with our fragile democratic Republic. He IS NOT Presidential material and regrettably, has not, in the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, appealed to the better angels of our nature.

I wonder how Mrs. O. felt about giving her successor a tour of the Maision Blanche? Would love to have been a fly on the wall for that one.
