Her creepy eyes

I must be the only person on this planet who does NOT find her beautiful. She has small, squinty, unattractive eyes.


Her face always looks like she was the last one to "get" the joke.


ROFLMAO!!! Good description :)


Bad eye lift.

She looks like she was naturally beautiful but she's wasted her sugar daddy's money a few times too often on plastic surgery.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright


She isnt beautiful at all!!! And the person that said she got the look of the last person to get the joke...I give you 2 thumbs up for that joke LMAO


LMAO!!! Now that's funny!!


I'm happy some people agree with me. I said it to a friend of mine who told me I was jealous of her looks....umm, no, I'm not.


I think she had a natural beauty, but she's damaged herself, considerably, with plastic surgery. In particular, on the eyes.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright


She resembles Caitlin Jenner
