MovieChat Forums > Willa Holland Discussion > Gotta be High Maintenence

Gotta be High Maintenence

I spent 10 years in LA after college (plus, I was born at UCLA, but grew up "back East"), so I know LA. I also worked in Hollywood (on films freelance, then at Paramount Studios), and I've seen a million girls like Willa come and go. Yeah, she's cute and has a hot young body, but what is she really like, and how will she mature? Will her looks be gone by 30? Will she have talent and personality to last, or will she quickly fade away like so many others, once her show is over?
Seems like she's similar to all LA women, neurotic & high maintenance! So while I can fantasize doing the nasty with her, I thank GOD she's someone else's nightmare!

Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna


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What a sad post.


You are disgusting.


You know what's sad? You spent all that effort trying to convince us how awful she is yet your post tells us far more about you. For example, now we all know you're a judgmental arrogant prick.


You are a tool


Oh come on you know deep down he's totally right (especially if you've been to LA). You can put your triggers away now.


Thanks, Sutanrel. I re-read my post after all those toxic replies by fans who must just love Willa, because I said nothing bad except she might be someone else's nightmare. And although I don't know her, I can guess she is one, but it's possible I'm wrong.

Willa, care to comment?

I read all these fanboys fawning all over her, and with here looks and money, she's bound to be a complete bitch, but if she's kept her head, kudos to her.. Statistically speaking though, I still think my original bet holds.

It's pretty funny to see the fans attack me for a genuine thought, instead of all their hyper-inflated worship of just another girl, who's awfully cute, granted, but WHO CARES?! It won't last, and I', just keepin' it real! Douchebags!

But not you Sutanrel. And not for anything but being fair.


Tolstoy out.

Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna


Projecting much?
