MovieChat Forums > Willa Holland Discussion > Her voice is so irritating!! can't stand...

Her voice is so irritating!! can't stand it.

Trying to watch Arrow, and everytime she speaks it drives me up the wall...urrgh! get her off.


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Really? I like her voice.



I also like her voice.

Liberate tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


I cant say that i agree. I like it.


Yes! I totally agree, her voice is bloody irritating. She doesn't open her mouth properly, clenches her teeth and what comes out sounds really odd


I watch her on mute. She's better that way.


You should play or watch the Kingdom Hearts series. She plays Aqua one of the prominent characters. She only appears in a main rule in Birth By Sleep though but will have a new game come out next year as part of the 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue collection. Hopefully she will still be Aqua in that :)
