MovieChat Forums > Amanda Crew Discussion > Sex Drive, new teeth and weight loss

Sex Drive, new teeth and weight loss

I didn't know anything about her until I watched Sex Drive last night. Came to IMDB to check out the film and the leads as usual and found all this buzz about how beautiful she is, and the controversy of her new teeth!

I have to say, I didn't really see it at the start of the film. I thought, she's pretty, but not that beautiful, couldn't see what all the fuss was about. "Couldn't" being the operative word. I'm just as in love with her as everybody else seems to be now. Utterly stunning. Her goofiness just adds to her charm.

I too think her old teeth were cute, certainly no impediment whatsoever to her beauty. But, unlike a lot of people it seems, I like her new teeth too. I think that's probably because I didn't have any time to get used to them before seeing pics of her now. I think she's just as stunningly beautiful now as she was before.

However, I wish she hadn't lost weight after Sex Drive. She had a pretty much perfect bod in that and I think she looks too skinny now. I also think her face looks better when a bit fuller. I know she's always been very slim, but check these out: 9_n.jpg amanda_crew_premiere.jpg

I just think she looks way better in the first one.

Still super hot, but I hate the way women feel the need to look anorexic these days. Evil *beep* media obsession with ridiculous ideals of beauty, which in fact aren't beautiful to the majority of people. Die, die, die.


I too am sick of my favourite actresses inevitably transforming into leathery, graffitied stick figures with blindingly bright white chompers.

Hitler was a dog person.


Look, I don't know. Maybe she had always wanted to have better teeth but couldn't afford it. Maybe she just has some money now and is able to have the teeth she has always wanted. Maybe she can also eat better than she could before. Maybe her self esteem is improving. I like her early stuff, I like her recent stuff. She is just maturing a bit. Hot as ever, talented and not a bimbo. Just let her be. If she was gaining weight and getting ice mom teeth everyone would be all like, Oh look, obese and letting herself go. Whatever.


Her teeth look back to normal now. She may have gotten some of the crooked ones straightened but the big fake teeth she had in "Charlie St. Cloud" are definitely gone. I'm glad she went back to her more normal look because I found the big fake teeth distracting, it took my attention away from her eyes and her eyes are her best feature.


Yeah, I noticed this too while watching Silicon Valley.

Glad to see her wisely go back to her normal self.
