MovieChat Forums > Jaime Murray Discussion > Dark-haired, dark-eyed British women, Sp...

Dark-haired, dark-eyed British women, Spanish genes?

I cannot independantly verify this. I have but the theory of a British person I talked with many years ago.

The presence of dark-haired and dark-eyed British women, for example, Jaime Murry, Gemma Arterton, Kate Beckinsdale, may be due to the addition of Spaniard genes into the British gene pool.

Spain was a world superpower in the mid-15th century, and possibly for a short time, as powerful as a hyperpower. Contemporary Portugal would have qualified as a minor superpower while contemporary England would have been just a great power along with France. So much for the history lesson, but Spanish diplomats, noblemen, merchants, and sailors would have all visited England for commerce and trade throughout all that time. Men being men the world over, Spaniard men living in England even for a short time would do what comes natural to men. Hence, the original population of Celtic red-heads and light brunettes and blonde, blue-eyed Anglo-Saxons would have soon include dark hair and dark eyes. Within a very short time, beautiful, fair-complexioned, dark-haired and dark-eyed English and Welsh women would grace the lands of Britain.


More likely she's got Welsh background. Welsh are often very dark, though usually with rounder faces. Catherine Zeta Jones is quintessentially Welsh, or the girl who stars in Torchwood (which is even shot in Wales). Murray's face is maybe not so round, but nothing like that is ever 100%. Or that could just be a more Anglo side to her background contributing that part of her look.




Or Romani. Her dad is a rough and ready East End lad, many of whom have Romani blood.


I don't know about Jaime Murray, but Kate Beckinsale is 1/8 Burmese, so it's not surprising she has dark hair and dark eyes.


eh the british isles had been f-ed by pretty much all its neighboring powers, the vikings, the romans, the gauls, the spaniards. surely the dark hair, dark eyes traits aren't exclusive to the spaniards.


There were dark haired/dark eyed women in Northern Europe before Spain was even a country, let alone a Christianized/Latinized culture.

Why it is some people love to perpetuate myths without doing any proper research says more about their lack of education than anything else.

BTW, yes there have been people from Southern Europe in England going back as far as the time of the Druids and vice versa with people from England being in the Mediterranean area. The Spanish era has nothing to do with Jaime Murray's eyes or hair, unless you can provide a document of her family tree going back 500+ years.



Spanish? I have no idea where you got that theory.

I have dark features and dark hair, my family are 100% English going way back hundreds of years.
The Brits are made up of people from the Saxons (fair) and Normans (dark) among others throughout the years obviously, but not predominantly Spanish.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


The British Isles were never 'f-ed' in any form by the Spanish.

Ever hear of Sir Francis Drake? Spanish Armada. Arse. Plate. Handed to them.


I want to open a side-discussion about white women who have some Asian or American Indian genes. There's another British actress, Rebecca hall who was in a horror movie about a haunted boarding school last year. IMDB info states her grandfather was 1/4th American Indian and 1/4th black.

The thing about white women having some Asian genes, like 1/4th, 1/8th, 1/16th, et al, it's not obvious but subtle. Kate Beckinsale looks 100% Caucasian but examine all her publicity and paparazzi photos. She is capable of easily and quickly tanning to ovlive complexion then returning to a pale complexion. She's like a human cameleon.

Gene-mixing has been going on since the dawn of the homo sapiens. It's one of our greater advantages - theoretically - over the extinct Neanderthal man who didn't have the advantage of a varied gene pool but was limited.

Gene mixing is good for the human race. You can see for yourself the advantages. Kate Beckinsale can easily tan whenever she wants to, thereby enjoying all kinds of varied environments and climates. She looks beautiful with a fair complexion and a tan complexion. But a red-headed, white complexioned person from the midsts of Scotland or Scandinavia or Finland almost has to shun the sun. It's like being one of those new-fashionable Hollywood vampire day-walkers. You can walk in the sun but it burns you too fast so you have to be careful.
