Reminds me of...

Madeleine Stowe! Idk,i was looking through gifs and edits and i kept thinking there was something familiar about her and then i watched a clip from Ringer and it clicked!!I have no idea why but she just reminds me of Stowe(both in my opinion extremely beautiful),I bet she could pull off a Victoria Grayson :))

I`m sorry I don't have a photographic memory,but my brain is already too busy being awesome.


In her Dexter role, I think Keira Knightly. I agree on your Victoria idea!


Michael Jackson


It's because both Madeline Stowe/Victoria Grayson and Jaime Murray have had WAY too much botox and plastic surgery to their faces. They were both beautiful ladies before they let some scalpel happy surgeon screw up their grill and now they are literally trying to "save face" by putting so much botox in their faces I'm surprised they can even smile! It's sad really.


Which face?
