MovieChat Forums > Miley Cyrus Discussion > What's with her voice?

What's with her voice?

Why does she sounds like a male when she talks?
She never use to sound like that. Have the smoking and drugs kicked in?


Miley always sounded like a man. Even Hannah Montana got a lot of hate because of her acting and her voice.

Hey, I have seen you on the Ariana Grande board. You are always hating on her.
Too bad the discussion boards are shutting down soon, eh?


Hey, I don't have a reply about Miley, but are the imdb discussion boards seriously shutting down?


Yeah. If it were a hack, it would have already been resolved or at least in the news. But I am not putting all my eggs in a basket concerning it being permanent. I think they will realize how impactful the boards have been and the stats will go down more than they ever thought.

But if somehow a much, much higher hand is demanding the boards shut down, sayanora...but if that is the case, we won't know it transpired...


Higher up ? ...Trump ..i knew it !

Some guy said this and i was skeptical but since you believe it too hmmm ?
