She loses

People expected her to be the next Cosgrove or Justice in S&C. First the plot and the acting was terrible. Second she threw up tantrums (despite her denying it), tried music then stopped music--because she thought she would be a star in S&C. Second, she had no fall back unlike Grande who had a rising music career. Third, McCurdy played the wrong tune by being so gullible and dating that giant footballer due to twitter pressure then using him as a punching bag once breaking up.

Such a loser.


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People expected her to be the next Cosgrove or Justice in S&C.

Can people please stop using the phrase "the next"?

First the plot and the acting was terrible.

And entertaining.

Second she threw up tantrums (despite her denying it),

Threw a tantrum, stood up for herself. Same thing really.

tried music then stopped music--because she thought she would be a star in S&C.

Or she doesn't want a singing career. Because not everybody from Disney needs to be a singer.

Second, she had no fall back unlike Grande who had a rising music career.

So she's an unemployed 22 year old? With who knows how much in savings from working since she was eight? She really is in a tight spot. Also you can't count.

Third, McCurdy played the wrong tune by being so gullible and dating that giant footballer due to twitter pressure then using him as a punching bag once breaking up.

Correction: She dated a basketball player due to twitter intrigue then talked about their relationship months after it ended.




Yeah maybe.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


That show was going nowhere, it's good it's over. Writing and making her own show about an ex child star sounds kinda cool. I think she will either keep going and become really successful (in either acting or behind camera) or become a total wreck. Personally I think she's a talented actor and was wasted on Nickelodeon.

I also think she's lost the plot. I just looked at her instagram and she's posted these underwear pics with hashtags #fapfapfap and #boysaregross. It's kinda hilarious but also extremely strange. I get the feeling she's sick of everything and trolling around while she figures stuff out.
