His Acting Ability

He is amazing on Vikings. His performance is so nuanced and I hope Vikings runs awhile longer so we can see fimmel on TV longer.


He's great. I like his teary eyes thing he does lately.


I totally agree! He really nailed the role and I've actually never had any desire to say this about an actor! It's not just that he is hot and I got turned on cause I'm a female (and I'm not saying this didn't happen, damn!), but he really built the series, not just his character, the look, the tone, the body language, he became a Viking!
And I especially love the fact that you never know what is he going to do next, kill you or kiss you! Cause he's got it all in one look!


Yep. I agree with all of this, even without the sex appeal. He totally incarnates this persona, seeing him in his real life is a real shocker.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
