
I've seen pictures of her dressed as one, what was it for exactly?


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It's from an episode of The O.C., and she's not dressed as a dominatrix, but as a superheroine, Little Miss Vixen created by the Seth cohen character played by Adam Brody for his comic book Atomic County.

Drop it like it's legal precedent!


Oh wow thats pretty random. Which episode is that?


Um, actually it's not random at all. I take it you've never watched the O.C. because that comic book stuff is part of a really long-running storyline... Anyway, the episode in which she's dressed like that is the season 2 episode The Showdown.

Drop it like it's legal precedent!


Thanks alot for the info!

Actually my sister used to watch O.C. and told me that adam brody's character is a comic book fan, and watched the animated batman series, which got me interested, but I just find it random that she dressed like that ahahaha, shes so cute.
