MovieChat Forums > Rachel Bilson Discussion > Terrible Actress...and who casted her as...

Terrible Actress...and who casted her as a Dr.?

I am watching her on her CW show. She seems like a sweet girl and all, but this chick seriously needs to attend an acting class. She is wooden, stiff, bland and shows no emotion or personality. Not sure who thought it would be a good idea to cast her as a Dr. She looks like a frightened 15 year old, not to mention she can't pronounce the medical terms. Oh, of course she got the role b/c she is friends with Josh Schwartz who created the OC. Figures.

Im sure this post will get delted eventually ... but had to vent.


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Rachel Bilson's claim to fame was acting in The O.C., which was created by Josh Schwartz and produced by McG and Doug Liman. She also set up Josh Schwartz with her best firend who he married. Since The O.C. ended, Rachel Bilson has starred in:

2 episodes of Chuck which was created by Josh Schwartz and produced by McG
Jumper which was directed by Doug Liman and where she met Hayden Christensen who she started to date
New York, I Love You in a segment starring her boyfriend Hayden Christensen
Waiting For Forever
2 episodes of How I Met Your Mother
L!fe Happens
Hart Of Dixie which is produced by Josh Schwartz
The To Do List

Before Hart Of Dixie, she was also supposed to star in a show called "Ghost Angeles" which was created by Josh Schwartz, but never made it to pilot.

See any pattern here? Apart from a guest spot on How I Met Your Mother and a small number of low profile indie films that go straight to DVD, all her jobs came from the same connections over and over and over again.

Drop it like it's legal precedent!


Bad actress? Seriously, have you seen some of the other shows on air these days?
I think she's great. I was sceptical to start but she embodies the character perfectly.
Who cares how people get the part as long as they are right for the part.


I just started rewatching Heroes and just remembered she was on it (as Mohinder's neighbour). I just don't find her believable. I don't know whether she gets jobs because of Schwartz but I am just not a fan.


I'll be damned! You're right! It thought this actress:
was Rachel Bilson. Thanks for the info.


I agree... though she does have a few moments where she isn't so bad.

That being said, she's at her best as a supporting character. I can't help thinking they would've been better off casting someone else. It's just lucky she has so many good actors and actress surrounding her on the show, or I would have lost interest by now.
