MovieChat Forums > Rachel Bilson Discussion > terrible acting on Hart of Dixie

terrible acting on Hart of Dixie

I don't mean to be a hater because I haven't seen anything else she's been in... but she is AWFUL in Hart of Dixie. Is it the writing? Or her? Honestly I think the only really good actor on that show is the black mayor guy.. I like his story with that blonde chick way better than Rachel's character's's just boring


Watch The O.C. and I think you'll change your mind. She was fantastic. I think her character on Hart of Dixie she'll grow into more.


I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY THAT! seriously, shes an amazing actress when she isnt playing a serious role. go watch her in all of thte seasons of the oc you will fall in love.


Agreed. especially about the blonde, Lemon, who is a better character with better style and a much better (and prettier) actor.

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


agreed... that show is awesome but she cant act to save her life. lol and people say her boyfriend is the bad one?

Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice~


I have to agree with you here, she's doing pretty bad on Hart of Dixie. I loved her on the O.C but now every episode of HOD some of her inflections remind me of the ones she used to do on the O.C and it's getting a bit annoying, like she can't really do much else.

Chuck Bass in a Onesie:


I posted yesterday about the same thing in "Mumbling". No one responded. She mumbles - like she can't enunciate correctly. Mush mouth. And she's monotone. No emotion. If she's living off of her reputation from other shows she's making a mistake. You're only as good as the last series. Many times Hollywood is a "What have you done for me lately" type of town. There are always more girls that look like her and are more consistent. I'd rather watch the girl of "Beauty and the Beast" than Bilson.


Rachel in Hart of Dixie is amazing .. I love Zade


I think "Zoe" the character she plays is lovable but the antics she gets into time and time again really make me dislike her. The way she still pines for George and it's been two seasons already and the way she meddles in things that have little to do with her. My favorite character is still Wade, he's shown growth, he has depth other than being a lady magnet. I agree with the other posts she plays "Summer" really well. A popular girl but has a soft spot for Cohen, the nerd.
