MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Carpenter Discussion > Why is everyone here evaluating her look...

Why is everyone here evaluating her looks?

Do these same people go to LaGuerta's page (Lauren Vélez) and discuss whether she's hot or not? I thought the purpose was to assess her acting ability--of which she was perfectly cast as a hard-nosed, foul-mouthed Miami cop assigned to serial killers. Did you expect them to cast Beyonce instead? OMG, the stupidity and shallowness of some IMDB users astounds me. Bottom line: she was the best actor in this series and many people, including me, find her personally very attractive, intelligent and the main reason they like the show.


Uh ... because ... its IMDB ?!?

Also, just for the record, she's hot. Especially in those skimpy outfits she had in the last seasons of Dexter ... rrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaawwwwwwwwrrrrrr pure sexiness !

And if you dont agree about that, why would I bother convincing you otherwise ? It just means you're no concurrence ! Thats just good for me.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


I thought the purpose was to assess her acting ability
The purpose of what?

I kick a s s for the lord.


I don't know, I think she's pretty, and I LOVE her Debra character (I felt she was relatable, and the opposite of everything Dexter was. Except...she made him human:-)


Ugly. Just sayin.


She has a fit body but her face is horrific. Extremely ugly. You would have to tap it from behind or use a brown paper bag. I Think she ruined dexter. Would of been fantastic if they cast debra morgan as somebody who could act.


Do these same people go to LaGuerta's page (Lauren Vélez) and discuss whether she's hot or not?

Never indulged as such personally, now that you mention it though James she is, undeniably so.

I thought the purpose was to assess her acting ability

ASSess.... I plead guilty to this count on S5E01; J. Carp strutting her trim form in only a shirt and bikini style Jockeys:wiping drool away from keyboard:

Why is everyone here evaluating her looks?

All levity aside; I offer no excuses-indeed, I would submit that none exist- for the practice, the probabilities of any gal in our culture(and I'm not sure that any necessiarly more generous to women exist before anyone accuses me of Ameri-bashing.) enjoying both an average life span while not being subjected to this are tragically abysmal.


This is the internet for you. Main focus is on the looks and second on the acting. Well third, the second is on if they are gay or straight.

Come visit my


People who go on the Internet to call people ugly and worse need to just look in the mirror. That's where the true ugliness lies.
