Gold digger?

Is it any surprise that she dumped Andrew Garfield as soon as it was announced he was dropped as Spider-Man for the failure of the TASM movies?


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He cheated on her.


And his two movies didn't fail at all. He got to an argument with somebody behind the scenes (like one of the producers) and he was fired because of it.


She is not even remotely close to being a gold digger.


She was and still is a much bigger star than Garfield.


She was paid nearly the same for Garfield on the Spider-Man films. Generally speaking, she makes more money per movie than Garfield. This is easily accessible information, so no...I don't think she could be classified as a gold digger, since she is very successful in her own right.


Highly doubt she's a gold digger. People use celebrity to gain perspective on their lives but in reality we're all human unless celebrities are superhuman in which case I'm wrong. I wouldn't call the TASM failures. I would pin most of that on Marvel's over-commitment to the new franchise. The end of the amazing spider-man 2 was like apple sauce in a rain storm. Too much to think about moving forward and if I lost a girlfriend as beautiful as that. I wouldn't be in the mood to save any lives...but they had to tie it all up so it made it look like peter was like sure *beep* it she's dead but hey I'll save a kid even though I'm probably asking myself questions like what is my purpose in life and other intolerable nonsensical horse shoe.
