MovieChat Forums > Emily Blunt Discussion > Boycott in full effect....

Boycott in full effect....

She's "not thrilled" about becoming a US citizen"? Then don't become one.

I would call for a boycott of her films, but I've never seen any of her films anyway, so nothing changes.

Why can't these actors just act and remain apolitical? Shut up and act!

The Peanuts Movie - Nov. 6
In the Heart of the Sea - Dec 11
Star Wars - Dec 18
13 Hours - 2016


Yea, it's really a shame. I liked her alot in EoT. Oh well.

"I am surprised Stannis's fleet didn't sink under the weight of his own balls."


Boycotts are ludicrous idea. Besides if you have read the Constitution you would discover there is a clause about Freedom of Speech.

Wonderland Exile


You're under the delusion that these so-called "patriots" really give a fig about the First Amendment. I mean they're all for it in theory, but it all goes out the window once someone says something that they don' like.


Well at least you have "The Peanuts" movie to look forward to....


If you had watched the debate, you might me a little more understanding.


You a liberal democrat?

Man is the cruelest animal. ― Friedrich Nietzsche


Here we have a Fox News Mental Midget who buys into anything they say. Don't know who is worse, the whiney, Freeloader Crybabies who watch MSNBC or the Clueless Paranoid Pods that watch Fox.


Have fun with your boycott. I'm sure that she & the studios will still do just fine even if all you over sensitive crybabies don't buy a ticket to all the major movies that she's sure to be in.
