MovieChat Forums > Emily Blunt Discussion > She looks like....

She looks like....

She looks like Mick Jagger...LOL!!!!😁


Yes, I'm not the only one who saw that. She has a very pronounce outward mouth region.


She looks even more like Cillian Murphy


She looks like my ex-fiancee who said she wanted to break up with me and get into acting under the stage name "Bemily Unt".

I told her that was a silly name, and she said that there was no other possible similar-sounding name with a believable quality. I suggested a few name ideas off the top of my head, and she wrote some of them down. We then had hot greasy passionate sex.

We didn't see each other again after that, so I wonder what she did with that list since I don't remember what rhyming names I wrote down. Hopefully she turned out fine.
