MovieChat Forums > Justin Hartley Discussion > GIVE HIM HIS OWN SHOW, GREEN ARROW!!!!!


Everytime I sit and watch justice league with my little cousins I see green arrow ad I think Justin Hartley should be given his own show a spin off to smallville.

Whos with me!!!!!!!!!!


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I completely agree with you on this. I think it would be really great.


i think that would be cool,but remeber what happened to Birds of Prey,and that was the same writers as Smallville,maybe though Green Arrow might be better........


Green Arrow could continue after Smallville and how Queen gives up his company and uses his wealth to help the "little guy" in Star city the show can be darker and a little more humouress.


I do agree he should have his own show but I think it should be as Aquaman. After seeing the pilot for Mercy Reef, he was solid and the supporting character were just as good. I know it would be on the top of my Tivo list.


They passed on a GA show years ago, I doubt they'd do it again now that he's more of a superhero than a vigilante.


My biggest complaint with Birds of Prey was the crap special effects. I thought that, given time, they could have made a great show out of it if they'd just used the same level of special effects as they did on Smallville or Buffy.

Anywho, I never cared for Green Arrow until I saw Justin playing him and the new costume. I definitely say he should have his own show - just none of this "bad guy of the week" crap that everyone copied (poorly) off of Buffy. Do the occasional one episode deal, but generally work off of a long term storyline.


Of course, Buffy only kind of did the "bad guy of the week" thing. Every season had its own BIG bad guy. Therefore, it didn't come off nearly as contrived as Smallivlle and other shows.
