MovieChat Forums > Vanessa Hudgens Discussion > She doesn't learn does she?

She doesn't learn does she?

This is the 4th nude pic leak of her in her career and these are clearly more recent than the last batch. Girl looks good but you'd think she'd stop taking them. Oh well maybe she's addicted.


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Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Oh well, I hope she never does.


Your cute will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!


she is one hot little slut!


She's a member of the generation known as Millennials or Generation Y. One of the key defining traits of this generation is narcissism. Hence the penchant for taking selfies in the buff. This generation is totally obsessed with themselves and how they look.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


People are so harsh towards Vanessa :-\ She doesn't deserve the horrible comments she gets (not saying this thread is horrible, bc it isn't. She's obviously a little kinky and likes her body. Good for her. She doesn't have nearly as much time on her hands as some of the other girls that got hacked. She only had 26 pics TOTAL from all the pics combined over the years (and only 5 out of 26 of those were actually new). Teresa Palmer had 30 all from the same day (but she was on vacation, and I actually love Teresa, so more power to her), freakin Jennifer Lawrence had over 100 and I forgot who the other girls were but Vanessa and Kim K surprisingly had the least pictures There is so much evidence from fans, co-stars and even papz that speak about her that Vanessa is a nice and normal girl. I would post it all, but I'm too lazy and people will always believe what they want about her anyway.


If I looked THAT good, I'd take nude selfies every day.


Oh she's awesome and beautiful and I have no problem saying it. If she wants to keep taking nude selfies more power to her and I look forward to when they leak.


Judging by the amount of celebs so far who have been hacked, she's not alone. Definitely one of the hottest though.

I bet every person alive under say under 45 has sent a nude photo to their partner(s) with their phone. Don't deny it
