MovieChat Forums > Ashli Babbitt Discussion > They just don't get it. Why even try?

They just don't get it. Why even try?

Those on the right, Repubs/Cons/Trumpers, who are on her side should just give up on defending her as if what she was doing was the right thing.
Continuing to climb through a barricade even though there was a cop with a gun who had it out and was pointing it at her.
He took an oath to protect others and that is what he did since it was reported there were vulnerable lawmakers down the hall.
What was he supposed to do?
Holster his gun, help her through, give her a hug and send her down the hallway?
And those who object to him shooting her that own guns: I wonder how they would treat an unarmed intruder who broke into their homes?
Would they not shoot that person if he/she was walking towards them?
You would think that gun owners would understand how that cop had the right to protect and did his job at doing that.

I dunno why they argue for her side because there is nothing to argue and it is a losing one.

They looked into it, determined the cop had the right to defend and shoot her and that is how it is.


It's simple. Ashli Babbitt was a traitor who was attempting to break into a secure area where deadly force was authorized. She got exactly what she deserved.


I know and I agree.

I don't get it how anyone who does not is going to try and make it look like what she did was right and how what the cop did was wrong.
Especially when they are gun owners who got a gun to protect their homes.
They look like hypocrites in this case.


Without hypocrisy and conspiracy theories Trump supporters have nothing.


You don't think the people attacking Babbit from the left (which they happen to be correct on) aren't staunchly defending the bastards the looted, rioted, and burned down cities in the "summer of peace"?

Plenty of hypocrisy around on both sides.


one thing i never see mentioned ( other than by the Secret Service ) is that she was shot because she was approaching the VP's security detail "with a backpack"

similar backpacks have been used in the past to carry and disguise explosives ( the Boston Marathon being just one example )


True. She just happened to be the one who pushed and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think a lot more of those bastards who defiled the seat of our government deserved what Babbit received, but it is a bad look for our country and government around the world.

It is far, far, and long past time that the United States gets it own house in order before we go charging around the world telling everyone else how to live and throwing our military weight around.


i refuse to believe it happened unless you can produce video evidence!


If she stayed outside the Capitol building peacefully protesting as McCarthy and Carlson would fool you into believing, she'd still be alive.


She could have still been inside the Capitol building and not gotten shot. Unarmed peaceful protesting is one thing, breaking down a barrier to get to Congressional members is quite another.

She shouldn't have done it, and you can be sure that if it was Antifa protesting what they thought would have been an illegal Trump election in 2016 and broke through a barrier in the Capitol building to get to Republicans, Republicans would have not defended Antifa, nor should they have.

The U.S. isn't a Banana Republic. Yet. We still have rules and laws that we must follow if we feel we've been aggrieved, and what Babbit and her cohorts did was wrong, just as the Antifa and BLM riots were.

I'm all for peaceful and patriotic protests, but when you start breaking through barriers to get to Congressional members, you lose my support.


It doesn't matter, you will see animals all around so you will know where the animals are going to be. And B, it's more crowded.


The nation is divided, and we're at a point where everything the other side does is wrong, and everything on the same side is right.

Republicans are wrong for defending Babbit (and not all of us do btw). The protesting was fine, letting the protesters inside the Capital building was stupid (and probably a well played plan by the left), but when Babbit and the other small handful of knuckleheads broke down the barrier to get to the Congressional members, she went over the line. She got shot - her fault.

But is that any different than what the left was doing? Literally everything the Big Orange Cheeto said was wrong in their minds. Trump may be an asshole, but he was one of the best policy presidents we've had in decades, but the left would not agree on one single thing he did was good.

Both sides are chock full of hypocrisy.


She’s white and her shooter’s black

That’s the part that pisses off Trump the most — enough that he doxxed the poor guy
