MovieChat Forums > Eva Green Discussion > QUESTION - How Hot is Eva Green ?

QUESTION - How Hot is Eva Green ?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being "HOTTER than HOT". How Hot would you yourself say Eva Green is ?

For me, I would definitely Rate her a 10. What about everyone else ?


I'd say somewhere around a 17. Yeah, that sounds about right :P



"In a land of gods and monsters i was an angel looking to get f-cked hard"


I never understood why people call her so attractive. Her giant eyes droop down at the sides or something...she's really quite ugly.


I guess we like different type of women, i surely wonder your criteria for ugly.

You can say you don't find her attractive but to call her ugly.. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure you would fit that in category, at least for your personality.


Err, I'm not specifically attracted to her outwards, but calling her ugly is truely weird.

She's a goddess of acting though, thats why she's hot.

You shall have no other Kates before Kate Winslet.


You're not the only one. I also find her droopy eyes very unattractive. It's also what makes look older, a lot older. Now imagine her 15 yrs from now.


She does not look older than she is. I am sorry that you are insecure.


Saying that she is not attractive to you is one thing but to go out and say she is ugly is really rude and immature.
