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Socialist Students Want Arizona State University To Expel 'Racist Murderer' Kyle Rittenhouse

Proving that any idiot who watches CNN can get into university. Or that university made them commie idiots. And people running universities are idiots.

Many socialists believe that education is a universal human right. But evidently, not Arizona State University's (ASU) Students for Socialism. On Wednesday, they staged a protest to pressure campus administrators to expel Kyle Rittenhouse, the recently acquitted Kenosha shooter.

If video footage of the event on social media is any indication, it seemed sparsely attended. In fact, pro-Rittenhouse counterdemonstrators appeared to outnumber the socialists. When a leader of the protest—who was equipped with a megaphone—denounced Rittenhouse as a white supremacist killer, spectators pointed out that all three of the people he shot were white; this did not deter the protester, who responded that Rittenhouse was a descendant of white colonists who had murdered black and brown people.

The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf noted in a recent article that the Universities of California at Santa Cruz and Irvine, as well as The New School in New York, all released statements protesting the outcome of the trial and suggesting that Rittenhouse's not-guilty verdict was evidence of the power of white supremacy in U.S. society.


Poor Kyle. The left are never going to leave him alone to live his life are they?!


Poor Kyle. The left are never going to leave him alone to live his life are they?!

It'll probably take a while, but they'll grow tired of harassing this particular oppressor and move to battle with some other perceived injustice.

Remember George Zimmerman?


The Arizona State University's (ASU) Students for Socialism should all be expelled for harassment and sued for defamation.


>Rittenhouse was a descendant of white colonists who had murdered black and brown people.

Um, by that argument, ALL white people in the university should be expelled.


By that argument ALL people in the university should be expelled.




They are all morons, which proves that being a university student or graduate has nothing to do with intelligence.
