MovieChat Forums > Dave Bautista Discussion > Hilarious that John Cena's movie career ...

Hilarious that John Cena's movie career flopped...

... while Dave was getting in major motion pictures without even trying. Cena is the very example of overdoing it for 0 result. LOL!

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Formerly, HereComesSadness


Have Cena had any non WWE movies?


Since Bautista is better looking, he has the advantage for Hollywood movies.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Cena hasn't even attempted to act in any other films not produced by WWE. Unlike Batista, Cena seems to be 100% devoted to WWE. Also keep in mind Cena is 8 years younger than Batista. Give him some more time. Batista didn't get his big break until he was 45.


Cena hasn't even attempted to act in any other films not produced by WWE. Unlike Batista, Cena seems to be 100% devoted to WWE. Also keep in mind Cena is 8 years younger than Batista. Give him some more time. Batista didn't get his big break until he was 45.

What? He hasn't attempted to act outside WWE? And why would that be? Because he knows - as the rest of the world know as well - that he utter and completely blows at everything he does. Apart from idiot grown men, under 15 yr old kids and girls, everybody knows he's a "same old sh**" boring entertainer and is tired of his "me against the worlds" persona being shoved down their throats. Just watch Raw and you'll notice the boos are taking over and have been for a long time. People should've started booing his worthless as* years ago.

And he's devoted isn't he? If I was being paid top dollar to have more talented wrestlers job for me, parade way more championships than I deserve, tap all the - clueless I might add - fangirls I could, just so WWE can sell more merchandise with my stupid catchphrases on it to oblivious idiots, trust me, I would also be "devoted" to WWE. Selling out is the way to go.

Even Orton, who has more talent in his tattoos than Cena in his whole body, made films outside WWE. Batista apart from the crappy STV stuff, managed to get the GOTG gig who turned out to be a huge success, got the attention of Bond producers. And having the body structure that he has, will most likely, with Mr. Hynx, play a henchman in the style of Jaws or Stamper. Henchmen tend to have big parts in JB films.

And sorry, I didn't know careers ended at 45 or went nowhere from there. I must remind Christopher Plummer of that fact, so he can return his ACADEMY AWARD that he won at 82! Or better yet, someone should've told Samuel L. Jackson when he was 45 yrs old, to reject Quentin Tarantino's offer to have a starring role in a little seminal film called Pulp Fiction, and throw away a career that up until today is filled with BO hits and accolades, being an actor acclaimed by everyone and whom is on his way to have his solo comic book starring role as Nick Fury.

Do yourself a favor and stop being blind. Pathetic...

[after killing an Irish] Burn him, see if his ashes turn green - Bill the Butcher


Well aren't you ignorant.


Well, it's not like Batista was a talented wrestler or is a talented actor. There are other reasons why he is in movies, like looks for instance.

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." (A.H)


You're absolutely correct. He botched a lot of moves and his acting is limited, but as I mentioned, he just needs to look like an "animal" and act in a menacing way. Apart from the above mentioned villains, look at classic 007 villian Oddjob: didn't say a word but looked very threatening everytime he was on-screen. Bautista will likely be the same.

[after killing an Irish] Burn him, see if his ashes turn green - Bill the Butcher


If looks were the only thing they were looking for, then I can of 100 wrestler who are big brutes and can look tough. The guy has a likability to his face and has talent.
