Perfect as Thor

I'm watching it now and it just occurred to me. I mean I can't think of a single actor who looks the part better than him. And his acting as Thor is brilliant as well.
Normally I hate the casting jobs in these type of films where they are basing them off of an existing character. But man they nailed it Chris Hemsworth. All of the other avengers I feel do a great job (except mark Ruffalo) but I don't think they are the only ones who could do the role. Chris Evans looks good as Captain, but many other people would fit nicely in that role as well, same with iron man. (Downey is loved by all I know) Rarely would the phrase "born to play a role" be truly applicable, but in this case it is.
Anyway I just thought I'd mention it


 Agreed.


He was perfect. I agree, too, about being able to picture other actors in the roles of the remaining Avengers, but Chris just is Thor. 😎

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Yes he is.


He is pretty much the vision of Thor. I am not sure anyone else can ever play the role. It was great casting by Marvel, he was basically an unknown before the role.


Tom Hiddleston actually wanted to be Thor but I agree Chris is a perfect Thor and Tom is a perfect Loki.


Totally agree musicaddict-72898. Chris and Tom were perfectly cast.


Alexander Skarsgård

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
