MovieChat Forums > Chris Hemsworth Discussion > Yet another bomb for Fabio

Yet another bomb for Fabio

Attention Hollywood: he's a wooden actor. No one cares. He's box office poison. You're welcome.


LOL he is like Fabio. I don't find him attractive. Looks can be overrated.


He now has 4 million following him on Instagram. So that means there is a 'few' people out there who disagree with you.


Who the hell cares about how many IG followers he has when he is so obviously unable to sell a big-budget movie outside of the Marvel franchise?

I don't mean to come off aggressive, but that was seriously weak logic.


Who the hell cares about how many IG followers he has, when he is so obviously unable to sell a big-budget movie outside of the Marvel franchise?

Come on. That was some seriously weak logic.


Did I mention that he's movies have done brilliantly lately? No.

So maybe think before you post. What I responded to was the comments "No one cares" and "I don't find him attractive". Lovely generalised sweeping statements imply 'my opinion is correct and every intelligent person in the world thinks like me'??? Seriously! I merely pointed out that Chris has at least 4 million people in the world that don't share this view.


Well tell em to see his movies when he's not a superhero!


47 mill a year and 8th highest paid actor in history, only under Jackman and Downey Jr and let's not forget starring in two major movies back to back ,Star Trek and Ghost Busters,.....Whatcha got?


I don't adore and I don't dislike him. He's handsome and seems sweet but that's not enough to be a good actor. As for instagram, it's beyond irrelevant. It might gain him attention (and some money) but not respect. God how many people follow people they don't even like.
