Why no bio-pic?

The Bay City Rollers story would make a brilliant bio-pic, if only because the band epitomized mid-1970s record company hype that never came to fruition. They were discovered, agressively marketed, and then cancelled before "cancelling" became the norm. While they did have a few hits on both sides of the Atlantic and their own television show, no one could live up to the "next Beatles" label foisted upon them, and by 1980 they had, for all intensive purposes, utterly vanished. Yet to this day, they are still remembered as "loveable underdogs" and have a very passionate, yet very underground following.

I say all this as someone who was never a fan of the band, but saw them in the media absolutely everywhere from 1977-79. It's now even hard to think about those years without being reminded of the Bay City Rollers, and I can't be the only person who does. A bio-pic about them could be both very insightful about the times, but also very funny at the same time.

P.S.: Why no "Top 3 Songs" thread?
