Remember me??

Hi Patrick...

I'm the lady who you were sitting next to at the roulette table in Vegas when the cast of Good Behavior was there at the Planet Hollywood. We surely had a great time that night. I hope all is well with you and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday today!!

I can't wait to see the premier of Good Behavior... take care and I hope it's a smash.. my best to DJ too... :)

If you ever want, email me at [email protected]...I'd love to see how things are going... best wishes for great success!!




I doubt he remembers every random person he meets, especially in Las Vegas. Even if he did remember some stranger, I highly doubt he's going to send them an e-mail. What I doubt even above all of that though, is that he trolls his own imdb page looking at the comments. If he enjoyed your company that much he'd have given you a way to get a hold of him instead of making you be the weird, creepy chick posting on IMDb.


Agreed on every point made here, pretty funny that she would make this post DEF weird & creepy. Laughing my head off at this one.....


I think they got married? Who knew?
