MovieChat Forums > Summer Glau Discussion > Why she isnt a big name ill never know..

Why she isnt a big name ill never know..

Why she isn't a big name i'll never know..She is such a good actress. They need to put her in a terminator movie! That would be an amazing waybto connect the two timelines. Its the same universe its just a different timeline.


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Wait what? The second part doesnt make sense


The Terminator franchise is actually a mess. She should leave that behind.

She was a sci-fi queen throughout her 20s, but now she's 30. And she has a kid.

But she never really popped because she's more picky about her roles. Really Hollywood can't work with that.


Hollywood is the problem. They wouldn't know talent or a good story if they saw it. And I'm sure it has a lot to do with her refusal to go nude. Look at all the starlets that went nude early on in their careers. Probably, dated a lot of producers too. That's not Summer. I think her first love in the arts is her dancing anyway.


What makes you think she isn't a big name? Not everybody is Scarlett Johanssen. She has worked very frequently in shows that have developed cult followings all over the place. She is sent scripts rather than having to chase work.
She has a quiet thoughtful personality and doesn't try and make a big splash. See the movie Serenity. She does a great job with little experience at the age of about 24. Most young women would kill to have a career like hers. Millions of males between 12 and 40 drool over her. So her name is quite big enough.


Because if you had not noticed in say oh the past 20yrs Hollywood has been chucking out actors that I swear are clones all look and act the same. Films just remakes after remakes I mean NO imagination at all its why everything so plastic and boring.

Dr.Nichole A. MD. AKA Nicky was here.

I never revisit posts. Too busy and mature to argue.


I used to think the same about Bradley Cooper or Katherine Heigl and then they got big and none of their work is as good in my opinion. Though I haven't watched all the stuff out with Bradley Cooper.

So, Summer can stay as a TV stars in B rated movies and I'll be happy.
