MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Tulloch Discussion > Next Claire Danes (according to New York...

Next Claire Danes (according to New York Magazine, anyway...)

Nov.19th issue of New York magazine is very positive about Bitsie Tulloch's future:

The show’s lead character, Dylan (played by Bitsie Tulloch), has a video blog, but it’s more smart device than stunt gimmick. "My So-Called Life is not a bad analogue," says Zwick, "with Claire Danes narrating."

But is Danes’s career an analogue for Tulloch’s? Will this be the first online show to create a real star? It looks likely: The gorgeous 26-year-old Tulloch clearly possesses Danes-like smarts and magnetism (Neil LaBute recently cast her in his upcoming film). Dylan plays an magazine’s editorial assistant who, as Tulloch says, "doesn’t quite yet fit the adult mold—it’s like she’s rattling around inside one of those big Russian nesting dolls and doesn’t quite fit yet." Now that’s not a bad analogy for the medium itself.

i watched the first 2 episodes except for the fact that they both narrate the stories and it's told from their viewpoints, there's not a HUGE similarity between Bitsie's character Dylan and Angela Chase on MSCL.

Now, I haven't seen Bitsie in enough but I had read this script months and months ago and based on pictures of her online thought she was too pretty to play such an edgy character but I think it's safe to say she's amazing. Will definitely keep watching (at least for now...)
