


America rejected Quarterlife precisely for this reason. No one is named Bitsie! No one! It's almost as bad as Ginnifer.


bitsie is a nickname she goes by that is short for elizabeth.


Bitsie is not short for Elizabeth... It may be her nickname but it is not in anyways a short form of Elizabeth.

I like Bitsie, if anyone cares.


weird name but she is hot!


Very old post, I know, but I can see how she would go from Elizabeth to Bitsie. It makes about as much sense as going from Richard to Dick. Then again, maybe it was just a nickname about her size.


her older sister called her bitsie from the time she was little. however, almost everyone else called her liz...don't know if they still do.


I think she's named Bitsie after her grandfather who was a WWII pilot


Bitsie is a very "preppy" (WASPy, prep school, sorority) nickname. It's actually an "official" (sort of) Preppy name as it is listed in the 80's bestselling, satiric book "The Preppy Handbook":

From the webpage above:

The 12 most popular Prep nicknames for girls are: Muffy, Missy, Buffy, Bitsy, Bootsy, Bunny (I would love to have the nickname Bunny!), Kiki (there was a Kiki at my high school and I always secretly found it very charming), Tiffy, Topsy, Cuffy, Corkie and Molly.

Her bio here on IMDb says the nickname is after her grandfather. It's an unfortunate name, IMO. It's harder to take someone seriously, especially in a first impression, with a name like that. Obviously she is very smart, and she has a Harvard degree, so I would guess that she surprises people who underestimate her at first because of her name.

This reminds me that I went to summer camp with a girl named "Muffin" (and her last name started with an M, as well, which just made it more ridiculous) - LOL! And people think only celebrities give their children odd names....
