Grey's Anatomy

Could not believe my eyes, best guest performance ever!


I didn't watch OTH save a few episodes here and there, but my wife was a HUGE fan. Not 5 minutes ago she came into the living room with her laptop, Grey's playing, and asking me if this new character looks familiar to me. I said she does kinda, but not enough for me to ever figure it out. She said the woman looks so familiar to her, and it's eating at her. I looked up the actress, clicked her profile, and knew the face instantly. I said umm, it's Peyton from your show. She let out a huge squeeing sound, and was so happy to see her. I said how did you not recognize her, and she said because she looks incredibly different than when she last saw her.


Yeah she looked different, LOVED her performance... but am I crazy or is she looking a bit old? I kept looking at her in the episode, and she looked much older than she really is! was it the hair? make-up for the episode? even the VOICE ...'cause Arizona is supposed to be older? Sorry just used to seeing this girls not aging, like Keira Knightley, Thora Birch, Christina Ricci and Alison Lohman.


I thought she looked really gorgeous.

And yes, she did look older. More like mid 30's. But then again the late 20's/early 30's is a really strange time, aging wise. Lots of people start to rapidly age around that time, while others stay looking relatively the same. You could line up 10 random people in that age group and I think most would look quite disparate in appearance.


Since she's had Gus, she's got hideous thin, that always ages a person.

I wish she'd put on some weight, it's getting hard to watch her without worrying.


Maybe it's the baby, she just looked different. But I can't say anything about the weight, she looked great to me, not skinny at all


She's always been slim and didn't look to skinny to me, she looked great. Now she's left White Collar I hope this guest skint becomes permenent, she'd be a great addition to the show.


Well after her last lines she definetely will be staying for more!


She has changed, but she looks great, very mature.
