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I'm glad someone bought this up at her forum.

She'd make a great WW.


It's quite possible. Joss seems to like reusing actors, and I can't really see any other major female characters from Buffy, Angel or Firefly as Wonder Woman, and she didn't really get used to her full potential as Gwen in Angel...

...she'd have a good chance, I think.


I never thought about it, but once I saw this post I completely agree that she would be wonderful as Wonder Woman. What I don't understand is why hasn't she been in more shows or movies. When she was in Angel, I thought, she was way more interesting & beautiful to watch than Fred.


I think she'd be fantastic - and I keep mentioning it on the WW website...although, since Joss has worked with her before, I'm sure she is in the running...I'd also love to see Nathan Fillion as Steve Trevor - wouldn't they make a striking couple?
