MovieChat Forums > Alexa Davalos Discussion > YOU DON'T KNOW JACK!!!


I'm really sore after viewing The Chronicles of Riddick. When I first rented the film and viewed the first half hour and they showed an quick excerpt of Jack (portrayed by the beautiful multi-talented Rhiana Griffith-I guess you already KNOW where I'm going with this) from Pitch Black (COR's predecessor).

I was REALLY excited because the undefinable complexity of Jack & Riddick's relationship was so key and intriguing to watch (had Mr. Twohy let Rhiana resume the role - lets face it she had us convinced she was a guy, Rhiana was brassy - shaving her hair, emulating a stone cold killer, he saved her - SHE got to him and we all KNOW it. Had anyone else portrayed Jack in the orginal it wouldn't of been as memorable). Anyway, getting back to my point about J/R's relationship. So that excerpt was misleading, cause at this moment I thought - Reunion Time!!!

Here's where things go contradictory chaotic fueling alot of animosity towards transforming a truly unique character with hidden deep layers, Jack (Rhiana Griffith) to a 1 dimensional wonderbra (Alexa Davalos) who became the antithesis of the entire foundation Rhiana worked so hard to achieve.

My Points:

1: Jack in a rage searches for Riddick, becomes enslaved and a merk? Uh, yeah sure. At the end of Dark Fury, Iman was concerned for Jack's well being "That she might become like Riddick." An alien emotion of concern for Jack, Riddick agreed and dropped them off two separate planets and told Iman where he might be going. So in COR, Iman tells Riddick "She never forgave you for leaving." Hmmm...Contradiction Number 1. Had the script writer forgot their agreement? Number 2. Jack searches for Riddick and becomes a merk: that would be like becoming Johns (the merk from PB who was transporting Riddick to a slam who had a boiling rage and resentment for him). I don't care HOW angry Jack was as Riddick (he saved her life a few times- in between PB and Dark Fury- and that's a bond you won't forget) and she WOULD NEVER have pulled a knife on him in a slam.

Number 3: Cremotoria. A woman sent to an all male prison with boarish looking animals? I'm a forensic psych major - THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I know its fictional but give the audience a little credit. Had Jack even been sent to a prison, she would of continued to conceal herself as a guy as much as possible. Otherwise strutting around in a wonderbra and tight clothing is a sure catalyst of victimization. This matrix kung fu? Another, yeah, uh-huh. Now here's the funny thing: notice her long wavy locks in this film: where in Cremotoria would they offer a hair gel commensary?

Number 4: When Riddick first arrives, the scriptwriter should of checked with the first movie because the dialogue was all wrong. In Pitch Black, Jack asked Riddick with awe struck rapture, "WHERE the hell can I get eyes LIKE THAT?" In COR, this so called 'JACK' asked "HOW the hell can I get eyes like that?"

Number 5: Riddick was clearly disappointed with the one dimensional angry indifferent wonderbra she had become from the impressionable brassy young teenager who had the savy to pass herself off convincingly as a guy and to shave her hair (now how many young actresses would go as far as to shave her hair?). THAT Jack reminded him of any sort of humanity he had left.

Number 6: Now this is the part that really gets to me. "Its not Jack anymore, its Kyra." THis is Twohy's way of telling the audience Rhiana no longer has the role its Alexa. If that's the way its going to be, just make Kyra some other character from Riddick's past. In the COR interviews with Twohy, when asked why Rhiana was missing he said, "THat was the old Jack and this is the new Jack. We let her try out anyway but we had something different in mind." It was very clear in that interview, that his mind had already been made up when he let Rhiana try out for her own role AGAIN.
Rhiana and Alexa don't even look a thing alike.

I've finally had my say. But if you haven't watched the original, you should really rent it - its definitely worth it and then you'll see what I'm talking about. I know had this been the reverse you'd be telling me the same thing.


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I caught wind of this thread from the Rhiana Griffith board.
Everything you say in here is pretty accurate.
I do believe they should've just introduced Kyra as just another random individual Riddick had come across in the past.
To make it even better, we should've just been led to believe that Jack was someplace else wreaking havoc.
This Kyra character could've just been passed along as a said merc that Riddick had a tussle with in the not-too-distant past.
They could've even made the story more interesting by the reasoning of why a hottie merc like herself was in that prison.
Something along the lines of, "I was hauling in your good 'ole buddy Jack for a fat, piece of the pie. Instead, that little punk turns the story around and gets me locked me up!!"

reply have some valid points. But, it's a little off.

point 1....Kyra mentioned how she had no one in her life and felt very alone. In pitch black jack/kyra became very obsessed/attached to Riddick. Riddick and Iman do agree to keep her from Riddick...however he was her only family so she leaves in search of him. Riddick even says to Iman, "you were supposed to watch her." So they do bring back that point that they wanted Jack away from's not just dropped or forgoten about. As far as Kyra pulling a knife on him in prision....I wasn't that surprised by it in the movie. Based on the fact that she thought of him as her only family and then ditched her. She was hurt and trying to make him think she didn't need him..that she was fine by herself. Bc she thought he didn't care about her. It was basically her way of saying, "it's fine you left me..who needed you anyway."

point 3....In real life it would never happen, you're right. But in the movie they mention *maybe in commentary?..somewhere in he movie* They mention Kyra being so vicious and lethal that they had to put her in Crematoria. Meaning she was worse than some of the guys in there. They were making the point that she was a killer and could handel herself in any situation.

point PB she does say, "where can I get eyes like that." Riddick then tells her...."you gotta kill a few people. Then you got to go to a triple-max prision where you'll never see light. Then you have to pay a guy with cig." or something along those lines. So in COR when she says, "how can I get eyes like that." She then follows that line with...."kill a few people..did that. Get sent to a prision where you'll never see light...did that....blah blah...was there anything you said that was true?" Basically saying you lied to how did you really get eyes like that. and saying she didn't trust him anymore. hence the line.."was there anything you said that was true". Going back to her pulling the kife...that also could stem from that. If she doesn't tust that he ever told her the truth..she could of lost trust in him and who he was to her.

point 5...where was riddick dissapointed in her?

point 6...I've heard a lot of fans of Rhinna dissapointed in the decsion of making Jack, Kyra. looking at the character itself..from the writters view....if Jack went from this young teen who wanted to belong and was attached to Riddick..never having anyone else. Then went through the only person you had leaving you, and from her point of view, not caring what happened to her..*that was mentioned in some interview or commentary somewhere. That Kyra felt that Riddick didn't care what happened...hence her line about joining with merc's b/c "no one else was there."* After feeling like the only people who "were there" are people who used you and enslaved you...that child who wanted to belong would "die". Which is what the line means actually. It's kind of a, I don't need anyone kind of attitude. After feeling like no one wanted her. Even though she wanted to belong to someone.


Point Six: That still doesn't mean they had to go with different actress. I think it was a bad call.


I totally agree with you.


I just don't see how any of that is Alexa's fault? She's a good actress that was just doing what was told do...


not casting Rhiana Griffith was truely stupid, bc of that a lot of fans didn't go & see it so they ended up losing in the end.
