She looks 50

Sorry, but yeah.

I was looking at the Clash of The Titans IMDB page looking at who is cast as what and looking at the films these people have been in, then I see Alexa.. I click a picture at the top and see a woman who looks 50! I look at the films and see she was in Riddick as Kyra, I instantly twig who she is and think WTF! she was very good looking in that film, and more I see she was born in 1982!! she's only 27.

What happend?


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What? Her face isn't perfect but in what way, shape or form does she look 50?


Shut up.


I agree that she looked WAY hotter in Riddick but if she looks 50 I'm goin out hunting cougars.


Don't know what you are talking about mate, Alexa is gorgeous.


I agree, she is gorgeous. I'm just saying that in Riddick it was almost rude how hot she was, she was a danger to traffic. Now she's just very hot not so hot that it's ridiculous.


50, are you on crack lol.The girl is stunning.I loved her in Defiance.
