MovieChat Forums > David Harbour Discussion > Punch people in the face huh?

Punch people in the face huh?

Funny how you so-called tolerant lefties abhor violence until it comes to something you disagree with. President Trump was in his constitutional rights no matter how much you try to spin it. Obama did the same thing and you know it. Hollywood is done influencing our government and the rest of us. They are not the "heart and soul of America" like they claim. They are a bunch of overpaid elitist nincompoops who has no touch with reality or how the rest of us live. They support the Democratic party because they are an interest group and the Democrats fund the arts more than the Republicans, which helps them make their millions. In turn these stars push liberal views to help Democrats win elections, not because they are really liberal themselves. The thing is that it has been made out that you have to proclaim yourself to be liberal anymore to be seen as charitable and caring. That is just not the case. I have noticed a lot of self-proclaimed liberals are really anything but truly caring about humanity. They care about people who share their views and vote the way they want, but not really much of anyone else. I know the median age of users on IMDB is like 15 but I am still going to get my point across even if they don't understand it.


What a paragraph.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


That you think he was being literal about punching injustices in the face tells us that you're not to be taken seriously on any level.


Yes, he was being literal when you consider how many liberal mobs have been punching and beating Trump supporters. Actually, he committed a felony by encouraging a felony. He should be charged.


Considering that you think striking someone is necessarily a felony, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about in terms of legallity and the law. Clearly he wasn't charged and he broke no laws.

That said, it's no wonder your small mind believes he was being literal when he wasn't being literal and just who exactly did he advocate hitting?


Curious how every violent, inciteful, hateful thing a lefty says is "not literal" or "just a joke" or whatever other flimsy excuse you lot can come up with posthoc to justify extremely clear, umambiguous threats when they're picked up on...

...whereas everything a conservative says obviously has a meaning that takes an extraordinary amount of distortion to arrive at.

Yep, perfect logic.


Curious how every violent, inciteful, hateful thing a lefty says is "not literal" or "just a joke" or whatever other flimsy excuse you lot can come up with posthoc to justify extremely clear, umambiguous threats when they're picked up on...

...whereas everything a conservative says obviously has a meaning that takes an extraordinary amount of distortion to arrive at.

Yep, perfect logic.

Liberals have no logic.
