Role in Sopranos?

I know her character's name, but how was she involved in the story line? I saw it, but forget exactly who she was.


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She is in The Sopranos twice, a couple of seasons apart - I'm watching Another Toothpick right now, she's the girlfriend of Mustang is because she talks to Vito Spatafore's brother that Mustang Sally almost beats him to death with a golf club.

Then she plays Adriana's friend in Rat Pack, Season 4. Adriana and Chris try to fix her up with Paulie, but when she flirts with Chris, Adriana rats on her to the FBI for stealing from the company she works for.

Apparently, she's supposed to be the same character in both episodes, which is what I came here to check. When Mustang Sally calls her Tina, I remembered her name was Tina in Rat Pack...sure enough, same name.

"I shall wear this (bruise) as a badge of honor"

"Wear it in silence, or I'll honor you again"
