MovieChat Forums > Megan Fox Discussion > I used to think she was so hot..

I used to think she was so hot..

...until I saw her on Kimmel. It was cringe-worthy. I tapped out after 2 minutes and changed the channel.

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Any person who says something like (I am paraphrasing) "In ancient times, astrology and astronomy were considered as one and then, in the Middle Ages, with the evolution of science, astrology started being considered as charlatanism. But the fact that in ancient times, they took it for serious; there has to be something into it" is a complete fool. She is an uneducated child.


Yeah that was kinda silly. If science evolved then that would indicate that astrology was not as meaningful or accurate or useful as once thought. Some people are just obsessed with conspiracies though.



Science was created by God himself the divine life giver, and divine life speaker who spoke life itself into existence. Megan Fox shocked me that night I saw her on Jimmy Kimmel's show getting herself involved, in Astrology, New Age Occult religion and she was raised, a Penacostal, and Catholic Christian. She does not realize that it is an abomination in the eyes of God to consult spirits and horoscopes for spiritual answers to life's difficult issues.

Megan Fox please get out of that occult mess. It will condemn you to "Outer Darkness". Let Satan and his demons torment in Hell by themselves. You belong with God, the angels and Saints in Heaven.



I think you need to change your IMDB account name. Its a blasphemous mockery to call yourself Jayhova12 when the only Jehovah is Jesus Christ the true "God Provider". Rapper Jay-Z calls himself Jhova and young hova. It sounds very stupid and idolatrous. Brother Jay-Z needs help. He is messed up.



Megan Fox is doing very good buddy. She does not know you so Why would you feel cringe-worthy towards her. If she knew your IMDB account name was a blasphemous mockery to God himself. She would be disgusted by you man.


Not everyone shares your same exact religious beliefs.


Amen. I feel the same way



Pentecostals are some of the craziest of all the crazies. They're almost as wacko as Scientologists and those Westboro troglodytes. I wish they could all move to one state and peacefully secede from the union.

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