MovieChat Forums > Megan Fox Discussion > how long do you think it will take for h...

how long do you think it will take for her to look old and not attractiv

e? 40, 45?, 50? I'm guessing 45. I mean so old that Hollywood will stop using her as a sex object and as the main, beautiful girl in their movies.


What movies has Hollywood used her for besides total crap?


Hollywood will always have a place for an attractive woman no matter how old she is.Look at Monica Bellucci or Kim Basinger.


uh yeah, said sarcastically. no they don't, they always move on, and in the past 20 years they've moved on faster than ever before and drastically fast from one group of actresses and actors to the next. where is Kristen dunst, sarah michelle Gellar? Jennifer love Hewitt, megan fox, monica bellucci, or kim basinger. they aren't used in big, Hollywood movies usually and if they are, they aren't stars anymore and haven't been for about 10 years and in the case of kim basinger about 19 years.


exactly and that might be why she is now gone from being famous and a big star or even known at all by most people. that might be why her career is still over.


They may not be the TOP stars but there is still a place for them. Bellucci became a Bond girl at the age of 50,Basinger didn't became a household name until she won an oscar in her 40s and she has been working on decently big movies such as the upcoming 50 Shades sequels,Dunst has a pretty decent resume but she has never been that attrarctive to begin with and Gellar and Hewitt are doing whatever it is that they are doing because to be honest I never cared for either of them.

Fox on the other hand is 29 and the star of a big movie franchise so comeback let's come back in 10 years and see how she doing.😜


who cares that Monica Bellucci was a bond girl. so was Isabella whatever her name was when she was in Goldeneye and she wasn't known for anything by anyone before then, so being a Bond girl is not a Barometer or quality stick to find out if an actress is big or popular or known or famous or a star. and Isabella whatever her name was is not the only one like this. in fact I would say that most bond girls are complete newcomers and complete nobodies when they get the Bond girl role. the Teri Hatchers and Halle Berrys are so few and far between and are the minority. being a bond girl usually is what puts you on the map for your future, not what marks the end or near the end of your career. and actually about half the time right after an actress is a bond girl her power as an actress goes down. just look at Michelle Yoeng, Teri Hatcher, Halle Berry, Denise Richards, and Sophie Marceau to find this out.

you are wrong about kim basinger not being a household name until she won an Oscar. she was huge before then. it all started with being Vicki Vale in Batman and then after that she was huge in the early '90s with big roles in big movies like the getaway, cool world, the marrying man, final analysis, etc. she was a lot bigger and more famous and a lot bigger of a star before she won her Oscar. she hasn't been big recently at all. what are you talking about? no one has seen her in a movie since 8 mile and that was way back in 2002. and she wasn't even known for being in that movie. she's had continuous work in small, independent movies since about 2000. I wouldn't call that successful.

kirsten dunst is extremely beautiful. she really wasn't given a fair shake in Hollywood as she only got about 8 years to be big and famous, from 1994-2002 and 1994-2000 she was really young. Gellar and Hewitt both were never given a fair shake in Hollywood, especially Hewitt. Hewitt was a much better actress than Gellar and had a lot more charisma and screen presence than Gellar.

the star of a big movie franchise??? are you kidding me? teenage mutant ninja turtles remake, crap series is not a big movie franchise. it's bottom of the barrel, whatever makes money Hollywood, crap excess. and just because a Hollywood movie makes a lot of money doesn't make the actor or actress in it a star or famous. her career is still over as it has been since about 2010.


Kim Basinger before her Oscar was in the same place that Megan Fox is now.She was always the attractive young woman and most times she played the love interest with little to no character development.

Also you should know that in Hollywood money count more than quality so yeah TMNT is a big movie franchise just like Transformers and Twilight is/was.

And Monica Bellucci being a Bond girl in her 50s is a big deal because it shows that a woman can be sexy and seductive after she passes 40 and also because it was also one of the few times that Bond had a love interest his own age.

Bellucci and Sophie Marceau both had and are still having impressive careers in European cinema and they never wanted to work in Hollywood full time,Halle Berry has a successful career(Catwoman stigma aside),the rest f the bond girl you mention not were not very good actresses to begin with although Teri Hatcher entered the Bond franchise as a successful TV actress and continue to be one after.


comparing kim basinger to megan fox is like comparing babe ruth to Adrian belter. or like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Taurus. there is no comparison other than they are actresses who were extremely and amazingly naturally beautiful who were famous actresses at one time. you're wrong kim basinger was not in the same place that megan fox is now before she won her Oscar. her Oscar win came so late in her career that no one cared about her after she won because if you look at her movie roles and movies that she was in they were not big, Hollywood movies that she was in after her win. they were almost b movies. movies like the elephant movie and that's about the only movie she was in after her win that I can remember, that's how few movies that she was in after her win. and when she won her Oscar she was so old that I didn't like her that much then and wasn't attracted to her much then at all. she must've been about 45 then which is really old. comparing megan fox to kim basinger is like comparing Bette Davis to some generic, not that good at acting no name actress who nobody knows.

it's true that in Hollywood money counts for more than quality but TMNT is just another, generic, ordinary, extremely quickly forgotten movie series that no one respects or likes. and just because it made a lot of money if it did, that doesn't automatically make megan fox a big star or even a star, otherwise Hollywood would run rampant with stars and there wouldn't be enough room for all of their stars, because there are about 100 Hollywood blockbusters made every year. her status and power in Hollywood is not in the famous star, huge star place anymore. her career got so bad that she couldn't get parts in big, Hollywood movies anymore and had to instead be in indie movies like the one she made with mickey rourke. Hollywood got sick of her and realized she was an average at best, dime a dozen, one trick pony. she is now just a famous celebrity, kind of like Pamela Anderson in the '90s.

TMNT is not on the same level at all as Transformers series or Twilight series. those series gave her and shia careers as well as Kristen stewart, taylor lautner, and Robert pattinson. TMNT didn't do anything like that to any of it's actors.

no, you're wrong about monica bellucci. monica bellucci didn't show that a woman can be sexy or seductive after 40 because monica bellucci is one of the most beautiful women who have ever lived, so she's a rare exception to all women when it comes to looks. so, she didn't show or prove that a woman can be sexy or seductive after 40 because most women who are 50 look like Madonna at 50 or Bette Midler at 50. the percentage of extremely beautiful and amazingly beautiful women who are 50 or older in the whole world is about 10% or lower. even Sandra bullock who looks really good for her age and is over 50 now doesn't look better than a 5 nowadays. and to say it's a big deal that monica was one of the only times bond has had a love interest his age is also wrong as it's a null and void point because she doesn't look anything, anything like a woman who is 50 years old in Spectre.

uh, teri hatcher didn't continue to have a successful career after being a bond girl. she was on a lame show for about 8 years and then went into hiding, haven't seen her since it ended.
