Why no backup plan?

Anyone else think it's weird he didn't have a plan for mutually assured destruction in the event of his murder? If I was was dealing in the business and the people he did, I would have kept incriminating records, photos, videos etc with multiple lawyers/persons to be trusted. If I ever was murdered, they would have instructions to release it all to the press. Go proper scorched Earth on everyone. I mean, he had to know he was dealing with dangerous people.


What twoddle. That's something we'd see in a film.


Yeah. But I don't see any downsides not to do it in real life.


Because he was not murdered. He had no evidence and was guilty and that guilt killed him


Ha. OK.


When making sarcastic posts online you are supposed to use tags like this:

Just say "sarcasm". After all, you don't want the world to believe that you have a two digit IQ.


guilty of what?


Listen... I don't say that I am 100% sure that he was murdered... but there is enough evidence that to think so. Hence, totally dismissing it is kinda narrow minded. Not everything we tell you must be taken as a fact.


He probably didn't think hed get murdered until the last couple days then it probably dawned on him he was gonna get smoked (and by then too late to do shit)


He is an evil evil man.


How do we know that he didn't have a back up plan? His back up plan may have failed or it may not have been put into motion yet.


I guess we'll find out on December 9 when the IG report is out, lololol


True. Time will tell I guess. I suppose I'm somewhat of a pessimist in that longer something takes, the less likely it is to come of anything.


Rumours of camera all over his island. Wonder what they found. No reason to disclose it if there's no trial.

If Hillary were president, I'm sure Epstein would pressure Clinton to stop investigating. Billy spent way too much time with him.


Epstein's takedown was probably long-planned and they had to make sure that he could not get back at people from the grave. Not to mention the power behind being able to kill someone in federal prison and call it a suicide.


Maybe he did have all that incriminating evidence. Maybe that's why they faked his death, broke him out of prison, and swept him away somewhere secret and secure. I mean, that would be the whole point of the failsafe, no?
