Zoe is amazing

I had the pleasure of meeting Zoe last night at a special Whip It! event and she was fantastic, so very kind and down to earth, and beautiful too.


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Unfortunately that she was so very very miscast in Death Proof.

'And so as the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, so you shall become... derelicte!'


Second that. I just watched the documentary Double Dare last night. She was great. I really enjoyed the juxtaposition of up and coming Zoe Bell and the legendary Jeannie Epper. I'm glad things worked out for her in Hollywood. Hope she gets that house in New Zealand.


"Nobody can eat fifty eggs."


She's by far the nicest person I've met in show business. Extremely approachable and sweet.


Oh, hell yeah! I was watching Django Unchained (2012) again today and knew (but wanted to make sure though here) that she was in it, even though you cannot see her face - it was her eyes! That wa all I needed to think to myself: is that?! Awesome! I hope she gets a full featured film soon. I think she would be a great lead actress in a science-fiction film, similar to Aliens or Terminator 2 or other. Loved her in Death Proof!


Pretty awesome gal

