MovieChat Forums > Prince Harry Discussion > Is he on EVERYONE'S shit list at this po...

Is he on EVERYONE'S shit list at this point?

From what I've seen, the pre-release response to his book and interviews are overwhelmingly negative, with lots and lots of nasty personal comments directed Harry's way. The bulk of these comments don't seem to be coming from staunch royalists either, it seems that most of the world has just decided that Harry is a twerp and a whiner, and they don't like him any more.

So if anyone still likes Harry, are you willing to talk about your feelings or opinion? And BTW I don't count supporting his decision to leave the royal family as a favorable opinion, personally I think he had every right to leave if he was unhappy with his life, but he's still a twat.


I've been wavering back and forth. Originally I liked him, then Harry's attacks on his family, lying and whining turned me off. As recently as last week, I changed my mind and now support him.

I never liked the way Diana and Fergie were treated by the royal family, but now I notice Harry is treated the same by them although they pretend otherwise. William has the reputation of protecting Harry, but he really doesn't. The family, institution and William have no problem protecting William's bad behavior from the press while allowing or leaking bad stories about Harry.

Tyler Perry's interview also got to me. He recognized the abusive way Meghan and Harry were treated. I have a problem with Meghan because I believe she is a narcissist, pathological liar, abusive, etc., but at the same time she was still subjected to overt racism and treated poorly by the press and the family if they were leaking stories.

There is definitely a full media campaign against them. There is literally a live 24/7 hour round-the-clock anti-Harry & Meghan propaganda on a CNN-related news channel:

I think the royals fear that Harry and Meghan's revelations are a serious threat to the monarchy so they need to discredit them. Also, Harry attacked the British media so they'll give him negative press for that reason, too.

I don't believe anyone should have to put up with abuse and disrespect. If Meghan and Harry are fighting fire with fire, then good for them.


I would agree with you, except I don't think that *anyone* has the right to have their excesses and bad behavior kept out of the media. I don't support it being done for William (IMHO if William doesn't want bad behavior reported then he can damn well behave himself), I do NOT support the idea that since William's fuckery gets hushed up then Harry's should be as well!

And if there's a full-on media campaign to discredit Meg and Harry, well, Meg and Harry started it by attempting to make money from saying nasty things about his family. And if those two wanted to start a media feud with some of the world's best and most subtle media manipulators they'd better have come prepared, but since those they seem to be both stupid and lacking in sense, I suspect they've brought pocket knives to a gun fight. Little tiny blunt ones.

As to the general unfairness of Harry's situation, yes, primogeniture IS monumentally unfair to all the individuals involved, and has probably been ruining family relationships for thousands of years. But it does what it's intended to do, it keeps wealth highly concentrated and therefore gives the head of the family massive power, and if Harry is angry that he isn't being given half of the family fortune, then he needs to realize that there wouldn't BE a massive family fortune if a thousand years of younger sons hadn't been financially screwed before him. Everyone in the world knows that the primogeniture system is massively unfair, and while he has every right to dislike it and to leave if he wanted to, that doesn't mean we want to hear him whine about it. Dude, the world is full of trouble and we've got no sympathy for someone whose place in the royal heirarchy left with *only* a $40 million dollar inheritance.




Gosh, thanks!


"William's fuckery gets hushed up then Harry's should be as well"

I'm saying the opposite. William's bad behavior should NOT be hushed up. And he should've been man enough to admit his involvement with the Nazi uniform - especially if he bought it. It sounds like he threw Harry under the bus to get rid of media coverage about his affair too.

Meghan and Harry miscalculated. It worked with Diana because she was loved, popular, relatable, long suffering, and genuinely kind. Besides, Diana only targeted her cheating husband and ugly mistress - not the entire institution and media. I bet it was Meghan's idea.

I really meant that Harry is treated like crap by having his family leak stories and not protect him nor treat him with respect - not about the inheritance.

$40 million won't last with the security they'll need to pay for themselves and children for the rest of their lives.

"Top-Level Security Detail

These elite security agents are usually reserved for royalty, celebrities, politicians, top businessmen, media barons, etc. Usually, these elite agents are ex-Secret Service agents and go through rigorous training and also attend refresher courses regularly. Typically, a top-level security detail comprises of around 10 members in a team and you could be paying around $100 to $150 per person an hour.


"William's bad behavior should NOT be hushed up."

I seem to have misread your earlier statement, as it seems we agree on that. And if William has behaved badly then Harry's free to have his ghostwriter tell the world about it, if he really wants to make an enemy of the Prince of Wales (and his money, and the Palace press-manipulation staff). It's not like Harry signed a non-disclosure agreement when he was born, but I won't take a thing in Harry's memoirs at face value. Not just because he has financial reasons to write scandalous shit about his relatives, but because some people have zero insight into their own experiences, and Harry sure looks like one of them.

And I really can't believe how badly he and Meghan have handled their press! I mean Meg seems to be running the show there, as Harry considers dealing with the press to be someone else's job, and she had a chance to learn from the world's greatest press-manpulating masters and she thought she knew more than they did. Typical young idiot there, thinking that just because she knew how to use social media, she knew more about publicity than the people who'd convinced the world that Harry was a great guy!

And yeah, no amount of money will last long for people who won't live within their means, and well. Harry didn't inherit enough to move to Montecito and keep up with the Winfreys, as well as paying for security, and the security is yet another reason he's been a fool to make enemies of Charles and William. They won't use public funds to support him, but they could pay for the security out of the spare change under their couches... if Harry hadn't pissed them off.


Rich people control their adult children with their money. What would Charles want in return?

Meghan is a narcissist. She thinks she knows everything and Harry is in awe of her and believes she does.

Harry was happy living in his cottage until Meghan complained. She thought she'd live in a palace. LOL.

Andrew and Fergie live together in a multi-million dollar 30-room mansion on royal grounds. So Andrew can relax all day instead of work. That's not a bad deal.


I don't know that Harry was actually happy before he met Meg, I suspect that the palace's expert PR office covered up all kinds of pre-existing drama and unhappiness. Harry didn't leave royal service because Mrg dragged him away, he left because he didn't like royal life... or at least his role in royal life.

As for Andrew and Fergie, he stayed on Elizabeth's good side as long as she lived, but Charles has no use for him. I wonder if he'll get to keep that mansion...


Re: Primogeniture

Harry whines and whines about how unfair it all is, but look at what William has and will have in responsibilities. H doesn’t want to have those responsibilities, and MM doesn’t really want Catherine’s either. They would love to have the title, the glamour, the wealth, privileges and glory — all of the perks — but none of the responsibilities.

William and his family already pay a high price for him being the next king and they will pay even more. Not only does H not want that responsibility, he really isn’t capable of it, either. It’s a good thing H wasn’t born first.


Yeah, it's pretty clear that Harry wants all the money, luxury, and indulgence that comes with a royal life, and none of the responsibility. And that he never understood the queen's reason for refusing his request for a half-in-half-out deal, which was that you can't bear responsibilities half the time, and exploit the benefits of responsibility the other half the time. If Harry had been born first he'd probably whine and there would be good odds of him quitting, and trying to keep the Duchy of Cornwall money when he did.

Apparently Harry recently announced that he's never going back to royal life, and does everyone think that it was he that made the "never" decision and not Charles?


You articulated almost exactly how I feel about it.


That just shows how POWERFUL the Firm is and its reach. It's like the ubermensch of cancel culture power and influence. They've molded the royals through the decades with a fine pen of prestige and elegance. This is why serfs/plebs/commoners still gawk and go crazy over them in this day and age.


I've said before that Harry is a complete idiot, and the fact that he wants to pick a fight with the fantastically wealthy, powerful, influential, and media-manipulating "firm" just shows how big an idiot he is. This is not a fight he can win.


That, and it's the ultimate moronic biting the hand that feeds him. He still gets a stipend from either the British taxpayers or from "Pa," so he should stop with giving both the middle finger. I'm sorry he made a bad marriage, decided to no longer be a royal because wifey couldn't cut it. But he needs to stop being a whiney teenager. It's past time.


He had every right to leave royal service, he just doesn't have the right to take all the perks with him.

Why doesn't he understand that??? It's not a hard concept!


He wants it both ways. He also wants to reconcile with the family he bashes at every turn. What an idiot!


He doesn't want to reconcile with his family, he wants his family to apologize to him for all the time they've hurt his feelings and been unfair! And of course by now he's retaliated so many times, that all his relatives have gone beyond thinking he needs to apologize, and have decided that no apology from him will ever be enough.

He and Meg really are idiots. They keep going for short-term gains, like the money they got for this book, and never realize in advance that they're costing themselves some sort of long-term benefit. Like, you know, the possibility of Charles slipping them money under the table for security and expenses, if they'd stayed anywhere near his good side.


This 👆🏻, of course, is the truth. I should have said that he SAYS he wants to reconcile with his family. But he's the victim, here. Victims are these sweet little things that want reconciliation. Narcissists are people who say they want reconciliation while making that impossible.

They don't seem to have any grasp of what we Americans call "optics."


Victims don't have to take responsibility for anything, which is why so many people love the idea of the victim role! Harry is doing a dreadful job of it, he doesn't realize that if he wants people to feel sorry for him, in a world full of disasters and hopelessness, he's actually got to suffer more than petty hurt feelings.

I don't know if either Harry or Meg are narcissists on their own, I mean they both seem to be dim bulbs who think they know it all on their own but I don't know about full-blown personality disorders. But together, they've formed a narcissistic world view, where only their only feelings matter.


Harry's entire book, from what I've seen, seems to be written from that world view. He's so self-involved that he seems to think the concept of sibling rivalry started with him and his brother, William.


I thought about that, especially all that Middle Eastern money he slipped into the country. The fact that William and Kate encouraged Harry to wear a Nazi uniform, will certainly put a black mark on them since one of their pet projects revolves around Holocaust survivors. As they say, everything comes to light.

As far as family leaking information, where is the proof.? Did Harry and Meghan investigate this matter? How do they know staff members did not leak stuff.without their knowledge.

I feel bad for Camilla, I imagine she tried her best to be a decent stepmom. Harry could have just stated, No, we will never be close, but she have been through a lot, and makes my dad happy", and left it at that.


Considering Harry calls his dad 'Pa, I wonder if he has been hanging around the Ingalls family. Just kidding Charles called his late dad "Papa". Diana's former butler stated Harry even threw confetti on Camilla and his dad at their wedding. What happened?


Meghan happened.


so you think he just should take it up the ass because he can't stop them? nice defeatist attitude you have there.


People are free to start fights they can't win, but if they're too stupid to realize what they're doing, as Harry is, then I feel free to mock them.

I never claimed to be nice.


who called you nice?


"Nice defeatist attitude you have there." He's just commenting on the "nice" part.


Fascinating. Everyone talks as if they actually know what they're talking about.


He's not on mine because I don't give a shit enough about him to put him on any list.


^This. Why do people even care? His situation could be summed up in one sentence: Spoiled rich kid whines about life.


I don't have a lot of sympathy for him and generally I wish he'd shut up and go away.
But I do think most of the fault for this situation lies elsewhere. I've come to think that William & Kate have fully embraced an old fashioned, rigid and quite probably hopelessly out of date model to follow - and fully expect everyone to do the same. I think the royal organisation around them is 100% committed to protecting that choice and the image it projects. I suspect they felt quite threatened by this pretty, informal and friendly American girl who was taking the limelight away from the future King and his Consort.
Also, a large element of the UK press is absolute shite and like nothing better than finding something to be outraged about. They were very happy to take hints from 'unnamed sources', or quite probably just make the damned stuff up, to help create public enemy number one and drive their sales on top of it. I also suspect there is an element of racism in all this - which is funny in a way because it never occurred to me to think of Meghan as black when pictures first started appearing of the couple - I honestly think these people who define themselves as The Establishment are permanently 50 years behind the times.
So, yes, he comes across as a bit of a twerp and far too committed to sharing his feelings (though I do wonder who his advisors are?) - but overall I have a little more sympathy for him and Meghan than the other side in this fubar of a situation - at least at the moment.


I have a lot of sympathy for their desire to leave royal life, just not their desire to take the royal lifestyle with them as they go. Yes, the family hierarchy has to be deeply unfair and frustrating, because Harry comes from a family where his sibling's needs really DO come first. Like I said, primogeniture has been undoubtedly been fucking up family relationships, ever since the invention of inherited titles or fortunes.

But watching Meg and Harry try to deal with the unfairness has been a real-life dark comedy. I mean Meg thought she could march into the HQ of the best media manipulators in the world, and tell them that since social media is the shit now, she knew how to handle media and they didn't! Hahahahaha!!! Seriously, she forgot the fist rule of social climbing, which is that if you succeed in social mountaineering and make it to summit, the climber is the one to adapt to their new surroundings! You don't demand that the people who are already living on the summit change to suit you.

But yeah, Harry is the twerp here, Meghan is just trying to do what he wants - bring in millions a year to fund their lifestyle via social and mainstream media, without Harry giving up any more of his privacy than he wants to give. Harry just wants to live in luxury while doing nothing to earn it, except whine about how hard he's had it - in a world full of poverty, disease, exploitation, hopelessness, natural disasters, environmental degradation...


It's just a loud royalist minority. People who read tabloids and believe every planted story by the Firm. They are the Trump supporters of Britain.


I would love if they would shoot themselves for another documentary and we would one day see how they sit right now and stare at their computers and read how everyone hates them. And be like: "OMG but why? We are the good guys here" .

Like even woke press is having enough of this whining and turned on them. And they are such narcissists that they cant even see how they look. They are so obsessed with that Victim Complex they created for themselves. And they are too stupid to see reality. Harry to this day thinks that William and Charles would watch his whining, "would understand that they were the villains all along" and would crawl back to Harry and apologize. B9tch please. He lives in that echo chamber that he and his crazy wife created just for the two of them. And in their echo chamber reality is like that.

Right now he sits and obsessively reads everything that American press writes about him and is in deep shock how they laugh at him. Not understanding why. And he probably thinks that its because he is black and they are all racists :)


What’s even more hilarious is that Harry was actually happy until he met Meghan. You could see how in every video and appearance he was happy and enthusiastic, he was always in good mood.

And now you can watch any of his recent interview and see how miserable and dead in the eyes he is.

Its been two years now since they ran away. They have Hollywood, they have enormous wealth, two children. No one is forcing him to work anymore, he doesn't have to meet and greet those peasants anymore. For the past 2 years they could live happily and enjoy their money, freedom, travel the wold, raise their kids.

Instead they spend it on being miserable, whine and complain. And that petty revenge that now backfired so much. That freedom didnt make Harry happy. He is even more miserable that he was at the Palace with Meghan. Because she is the problem not his family.

At this point he was same unhealthy obsession with his family as Britney has. And he will never be happy until he dumps Meghan. She will always make him feel miserable.


I have a hard time buying he was always unhappy as a royal as well. But only he knows how he felt. I agree, that they should be happy away from the royal life, they felt restricted in. They even established a few companies in Delaware last year. Turning your back on your family is a heavy burden. I think Meghan needs to come to term with her demons and make peace with her paternal peeps as well.
