perfect timing

This man is hilarious on flight of the conchords. His timing is perfect, like steve carell timing. Rhys might actually be a bit funnier than Bret and Jermaine. He should be most of the show! Rhys! Rhys! Rhys! Rhys! Rhys! Rhys!


Dude, obviously i totally agree with you. But looking at his 'resume' here, i'm even more impressed because it doesn't seem like he has too much experience. I find this odd because him and Jermaine on the show are quite possibly the best actors, as well as the most hilarious.


yeah, he's just a kiwi stand-up comic apparently. look his videos up on youtube. you know, I like bret and jermaine on the show, but murray is the funniest character I think. there should be much more of him on the show.


It could just be the goatee, or the beer. No, no, its the goatee.


murry, dave , and mel are all my three favorite character but as much as i love bret and jermaine there are times when i think murry mel and dave are scene stealers
