Facial Expressions!

I have gotten over her and don't care about her or the topic.

I love movies and this climate change thing has been a media topic since the 70s. I recall seeing Silent Running as a kid, that was in 1973 and how the Earth is destroyed ecologically, and there's just so many more movies. It's a "Boomer" hippie topic that just keeps going.

I agree that there's a lot of pollution, capitalism is moronic and uses too many resources, but just hate the same old message from Hollywood. I have been hearing nonstop about homosexuals since I was little and I'm in my 50s. Homosexuals do not matter much and are a tiny portion of humanity. There's so many other issues that are completely ignored.

SO...I view them as comical after awhile.

I recently saw a picture of this kid and was just astounded by her facial expressions! She makes faces unlike any human I have ever seen. They are in the "snide disgust" range like she's on some exotic cooking show and being presented the most disgusting dishes.

For entertainment, google her name and "facial expressions" then go to images. She is just a kid and shouldn't be hated but speaking objectively her expression are a true anomaly to be enjoyed.



That's part of the reason I hate seeing her thread come up here. That supercilious sneer. It would even be annoying if some beautiful woman did it. But her.....!


I have tried doing her expressions.

I'm a psychotherapist and in training you make expressions and see how they make you feel. For instance, some people will look around all the time. Try that and see what it feels like, it's confusing.

I tried hers and they are very hard to do. They take a lot of facial muscle power.

I assume that she is really going throw it and totally believes what she is being told. So, it's producing these extreme reactions. Whatever the case, I have never seen anyone like her before. Totally weird faces of absolute shock and disgust.


I know what you mean. Even though we all believe we can hide our emotions, in fact our facial expressions will always reveal what we're thinking and feeling. We're all "trained" from birth to detect and identify even the most subtle movement of facial muscles in another person. In fact, it's why film actors no longer chew the scenery. They don't have to. A close up of the merest shift of their eyes will tell the audience exactly what they're "thinking", and what their next line of dialogue will probably be.

Come to think of it, maybe that's why Greta Thunberg displays such a rigid, immobile expression. She's perhaps been coached in the appropriate expression to convey "outrage", and once having mastered it, she maintains it. Like an actor, she knows what works.


Good points.

Her expressions are just awesome. They are like hugely exaggerated and if she's coached to do them, she needs a new coach.

I think that she is having genuine reactions based on ignorance. I don't know if you've every seen Three's Company, but every episode was about someone hearing half a conversation and jumping to wild conclusions. That is what is happening with her. She believes making straws or driving a car is an atrocity.

So, she's talking to car makers like she's talking to Hitler and Hitler is being all chill about his plans.

That's what she thinks she's doing.

She doesn't know why our civilization operates the way it does.


It's blatant overacting.



I was googling her expressions and they really crack me up, so whatever it is, it's very amusing.


I have gotten over her and don't care about her or the topic

.. so here's another thread about her.



I meant the global warming topic and her as an icon of it.

As a quirky person she remains interesting.


It is the only the right who see her as an icon, they appear to be the victims of that very fake news they keep warning us about. The media call her a messiah but I know not a single person who sees her as anything but a teenage protester.

You make a point of telling us you are a therapist with decades of experience. That you would join the mob in ridiculing a girl for her looks and encourage people to google her facial expressions for a laugh, makes me wonder if your patients are in the best hands, quite frankly.


The term "keep it real" comes from Gestalt Therapy.

You want therapists to be liars like priests. That's not the way it is, and I'm not anyone's therapist here.

She is a weird looking kid and her facial expressions are unlike anything I've seen. She is in the media and is open to analysis.


True, but with this and your rather Victorian views on homosexuals, I can't imagine you being anyone's therapist anywhere, at least not one that would do more good than damage. I don't mean to be rude but aren't therapists supposed to be at least kinda-sorta compassionate? Following mob rule is a weird hill for a shrink to die on.

Any-who, I hope you get the discussion about her facial features you intended when you created this post and your media analysis turns up worthwhile results.


I what part of this thread did I reveal "Victorian views on Homosexuals" lol!!

What the fuck?

You probably know zero homosexuals and have never been out of your room, by the way.

Also, don't hold grudges while posting, it's weird. Next you will be mad I liked Spiderman 3.


Oh no you don't shifty. We can't mention a conversation we had less than a week ago? Let me remind you of my favourite part...

"I don't find males homosexuals to be respectable people or a good role model for an action hero.

What I don't like is their bizarre behavior and stereotypical inauthentic personalities.

I never liked Anderson Cooper because he would deliver "emotional" news stories which is a form of "editorializing " the news. That's unethical journalism but because people are idiots, they love it.

Then I found out he was gay, and got it. He has to make the news about him due to homosexual narcissism. Later, I saw a photo of his boyfriend, who was dressed like a leather biker Nazi, and that was it for me!

I don't know how Luke Evans carries himself off screen but the typical simpering weirdo femme into all kinds of weirdness sprang to mind and ruined Dracula, which I thought was a fun movie.

Typically, Hollywood suggests actors stay in the closet for that reason. Once you start picturing the gay stuff, it's over and of course women, no matter what they say, are more disgusted than dudes."

Victorian, at best.


I literally had that conversation in real life with a bisexual female I know. She was discussing the inauthentic personas of homosexuals she knows.

I have known countless homosexuals and a good number of trans people I've had in both therapy and in regular life. My friend is correct.

So, this is up to date shit, y'all.


Oh well if your bi friend says it's right..... do forgive me.

You should have mentioned that before. Airtight argument there.

I bet I've known more than you. How do you know you're not speaking to one now? Just because I might be a bit light on the the typical simpering weirdo femme thing? We can fix that honey.


Your classification of a victorian attitude is incorrect.

Even many gay people dislike gay people who act as stereotypes, they may call them "queens", some gays hate gays who have mimicked heterosexual relationships where there's a "male" gay and "female" gay, and many homosexuals cannot stand the behavior of trannies. Gloria Steinem believes trannies are prejudiced people living a narcissistic stereotype because they believe they are a "woman" when how could they possibly know since it takes living every minute of your life as a woman, to know what being a woman is.

So, please come up to speed on your gay shit Silverstone. Stop acting like a PC soccer mom and learn what life is all about and what people think.



Queen is an affectionate terms in many cases, so you're wrong there. Gay guys often call each other fags and homos too, much like black people reclaim the n word and use it to address each other. This is basic stuff man. A therapist should know this.

Male gay and female gay. Nup. Not how it works. I know.

Would you like to continue embarrassing yourself by talking about a community you clearly know nothing about?


Gurl, please!


Oh I take it back, you're clearly an expert.

Now back to the fascinating discussion about the amazing facial expressions of G Thunberg. I'll grab popcorn.


Holy shit what a fucking asshole.


70's? 70's!!!?!?!?! 50's are calling you even as early as 30's.



This proves a bit of bullshit is going on.

I recently found out a guy in 1847 wrote a book on climate change. That was before the industrial revolution. He blamed it on camp fires and whatnot. He noted the temp had changed by up to 2 degrees. That is a figure currently used a lot.

I believe this climate change obsession which has been going on for over 100 years, is a form of mental illness. It's the same type of think people have with "food additives" and "organic food". There is some kind of weird obsession in some people that makes them uncomfortable in modern society.


Yes, I think it's another incidence of the old Human need to feel "in control". There have been many similar cases over the centuries. Humans come to think, for one reason or another, that everything is futile; that they are helpless. Helpless against other people (after Wars), and helpless against nature (after Weather Catastrophes). We can distract ourselves with various entertainments, but after a time those no longer provide enough consolation.

So, when somebody comes along and presents us with a truly grandiose "problem" to solve, we leap at it. Some people embrace it so fervently that they abandon friends, family, and, regrettably, civility. They are able to do this with ease because, after all, they're "Only trying to fix a problem". And they're "Concerned for human welfare". Clothed in such righteousness, they can spread scorn and hatred with a clear conscience. Religious missionaries were subject to the same failing.

Most importantly, because it's such a huge cause, it makes them feel useful and not helpless, and everybody wants to feel like that.

But in the end, it's just a Game, (as described in Eric Berne's book, "Games People Play", (which I've recommended before).

Of course there's historical evidence that the earth's climate changes. And there's even some evidence that part of that change might be tenuously linked to surface phenomena, such as forest fires and perhaps even localised pollution from industry.

But read the book and see for yourself if it's a game to start a world-wide "cause" over it.


Yo, that was great!

That book formed the now little used therapy Transactional Analysis. I thought that was a bit too much like CBT so I didn't get into it. However, I did go to school in Philly and that was big at Rutgers and so I met some of the top people in that area.

Anyway, what you're saying is great. I created a thread her on the exact same topic. A famous personality theorist named Theodore Millon is an expert of personality disorders. He talked about one type of Borderline Personality Disorder, which I know a lot about, where the angry hateful borderline will join causes. Those causes are designed to seem good but make people feel badly about themselves. That is their way to punish people while looking good.

A Borderline is famous for making people feel awesome, then knocking them down. So, all your climate change followers come to see you, and you give a rousing speech, everyone feels great, then you say---and think about the Earth as you DRIVE back in your CAR tonight and you eat your Mcdonalds! We can never stop! or whatever. Then all your followers feel guilty and terrible for having cars and needs fast food because they are on the road.

That's the part that makes you happy.

I have noted this before about these movements. I have always worked with poor people in usually dangerous areas. There's massive poverty in the US. There's kids with no books, no furniture, who don't know what a banana is, and don't know what breakfast means. That is for real.

You never see movements about this. That is because middle class and rich people could easily destroy a lot of poverty, like over night. That would be highly successful but there would be no payoff of guilt and hate for the perverts attracted to movements in the media.


Well I must return the kudos by saying that's exactly right!

I remember your thread mentioning Theodore Millon. In fact I looked him up immediately after I read your thread and looked at all his work. I intended to buy one of his books, but its price was a bit daunting. I'm keeping a weather eye out for a used copy.

In my opinion, Borderline Personality Disorder very likely accounts for a very large percentage of the trouble and discord in human society.


I remember talking to you about it now!

He was a fucking genius!

Anyway, I started out my therapist career working with borderline females. They were difficult but as I grew to understand their stories I got a lot of sympathy. I look at them as torture victims, but of course they turn into torturers frequently and that is bad.

I have noted that many people have children they don't really want and that accounts for the high level of them in society. I think it is growing too because the whole single parent thing is getting worse and more sloppy. I have only been in one relationship with a woman that had two parents in the same house, and I am fairly old. I don't know too many younger people with two parents.

The book Freakonomics noted that as abortions went up crime went down. Many males borderlines are criminals. So are females but they commit hard to prove stuff, drug crimes, etc and don't show up on stats. Anyway, the theory is that women abort babies they hate and so if the baby is dead it will not get mentally and physically tortured by the woman. An abused person becomes borderline or antisocial and likely takes out anger through crime.

If there are women willing to kill their baby because they don't desire it, then imagine there are millions who will not. No matter what they say, they still didn't want the kid and their rejection will come out one way or another. That's a set up for the kid to have personality issues.

On top of all of that, there are many millions of men who really don't want the kid and just leave forever or are distant. Even if the woman really the kid, there is the man not being involved. That sends a "worthlessness" message to the kid no much can beat. So, again, that's a borderline thing.

I predict it gets much worse. Borderlines are famous for making their kids borderline, so that's a geometric progression.



Yes, to all you wrote there, especially this;

"On top of all of that, there are many millions of men who really don't want the kid and just leave forever or are distant. Even if the woman really the kid, there is the man not being involved. That sends a "worthlessness" message to the kid not much can beat. So, again, that's a borderline thing."

Unloving parents can make that message even more destructive if they actively tell the child that he/she's worthless and unwanted. Difficult as that is to believe, some parents actually do that.

This has the effect of making the child self-aware to an almost psychopathic degree. This in turn paralyses him/her, and permanently stunts their mental growth. They simply cannot get past the image of them which has been painted, and is hanging in the air in front of them.

But while they live a day to day life of unanswered introspection, they nevertheless remain intelligent people. It could be said that their continuous examining of themselves actually enhances their intellect. Of course, that, in turn, adds to their suffering because they "know" something's wrong with them, but they cannot figure out what it is.

I must say, Psychology is by far the most interesting discipline there is.


Great stuff!

I was interested in psych since about ten years old. My brother was a lot older and I read his college books and he told me about the subject. I thought is was "weird and crazy" back then. When I got older and realized it was "suffering" and not funny, I got energized.

I have known many people who were directly told they were unwanted or a a piece of shit just like their "mom" or "dad". I have seen some truly intense responses to that message.

Before I was a therapist I had a gf who was told by her mother she was an "accident" and that had a very negative effect. My gf was a VERY smart girl and her mother treated her like she was tolerated and didn't exist. That causes some kids to cling to the abusive parent, while hating them. It was a tough relationship for me because I didn't know what a borderline was.

The girl ended up forever single cat lady. I saw her last year and she looks great still almost exactly like she did in her 20s.

I like what you've said about intelligence. I never thought of that and it seems to be true. I have a friend in Philly and she is the smartest and funniest woman I have ever met. She has really strong symptoms of Borderline or Antisocial. Her background is HEINOUS, like it was take me pages to describe all the bad things that happened, but I really respect her brain. I think in part it's because of all she went through.

Great and thought provoking post from you.


Your past girlfriend reminded me of a chap I knew years ago, who was the youngest of four children. When he was in his twenties he learned, via his elder sister, that he had been an "accident", in every sense of the word. His sister was privy to more details, which she had learned from her mother, and she told him. Apparently, on the occasion of his conception, the mechanical contraception that was being used, failed. On being told this, his father launched a tired against the mother, saying something to the effect of, "Any other woman would know how to take care of herself!"

I don't subscribe to the pastime of male-bashing that's common today, but I have to say that was an example of the very worst behaviour that I've heard of in a man.

My chum related this to me, without any evidence of bitterness or condemnation of his father. But he was also very close to his mother, and I often wondered how he reconciled that knowledge and incorporated it into his psyche without any apparent difficulty.

But then, some BPD can go undetected because BPD people become very adept at concealing it. They may seem to lack "life skills", but in fact some have quite well-honed expertise in protective pretence.


I have no idea why anyone would share that knowledge with their child. It's very crazy and I can't imagine the thought process leading up to sharing this info with a child.

It really has nothing to do with them.

It's like saying, "I got horny because your mom made steak. So, you are steak because of it". That's stupid but people don't tell their kids about positive events such as that so why would you tell your child about a malfunctioning contraceptive? What are they supposed to get from that?

It's just malicious and wanting the kid to know their existence is not wanted.

Anyway, from a psych perspective, if a person learns that and they truly believe that their parent is happy they exist, then that would help prevent BPD. Also, if they heard it one time, it would be a hurtful shocker maybe, but not enough to change your personality. BPD comes from torture where you are getting these messages in many ways over and over and over.

So, your friend my not have it. But, I'd bet a story like that would cause a little PTSD type of situation in his mind. He's not going to forget that soon.


Yes, I suppose it must have had some lasting effect on him, since he told me all about it, as an adult. I don't remember the entire conversation, but we were probably talking about women in general and contraception in particular, and it triggered that memory. But of course it must have meant something more than just an anecdote to him, to raise it at all. Although, he spoke about it in a very matter-of-fact way.

So, yes, he very likely managed to assimilate it and come to terms with it. Especially since it wasn't a message that was repeatedly driven home to him. But obviously he never forgot it.


She has zero idea what she is talking about; she is just parroting what she has been (mis)led to believe.

Her parents are also accomplished actors - this is basically all a performance.


She is "parroting" a real thing. This is happening.

Artic ice melting has made it possible for large ships to move through lanes that were once not accessible.

Guess what country has the best ice-breaking ships? Russia.

Guess who has the most military bases in the artic? Russia.

There is so much money at stake here. Open your eyes.


SO if the world is really doomed in 5 years, why aren't you looting in the streets like all hope is lost?

The fact that no-one is doing this proves that they don't actually believe it.


A tad facetious, Triplea, but a good point. You can usually tell if a person is genuine in their beliefs by what they do, rather than what they say.

Looking at all these young people "protesting" and writing outraged blogs, and performing for TV cameras, the lasting impression I get is that they're a bunch of kids having a bloody good time, while the catastrophe they pretend to fear is happening!

People who are sincerely worried about a thing tend to look worried. But these activists only ever look angry. If you're honestly trying to change another person's view, you don't glare at them. It's counter-productive. Adults know this. Children don't.

I do think that Greta Thunberg's handlers, whoever they are, botched it right from the start. It would have been better to have her include crying in the act. Little girls crying is a sure-fire motivator for any adult, but little girls throwing tantrums is not. Her on-off tears of outrage were a misstep in the act. They were just too obvious. Tears of sadness are heart-wrenching, but tears of anger are just unsightly.

And it didn't help that the girl is such a plain, unappealing child. Much better to have picked a cute mop-top. Or a slightly older, more developed girl with a bit of female appeal. That's how the cynical, grubby media operates in every other scenario, so it would have worked in this. Disgusting, but true.

Anyway, it's too late now. The die is cast. She'll have to maintain the character indefinitely. If she starts to question the Director about her "motivation", she'll lose the part. Then they'll have to recast it.

And they'll be sure to pick a new player, and she (it must be a she), will be someone who fits the role a little better. She'll probably be at least somewhat attractive; she'll have a back-story of disadvantage of some kind; she'll be tender-hearted and sympathetic; she'll be utterly non-confrontational, and she'll even be a bit vulnerable.

Watch and see.




I don't care about Greta and don't buy into her rants or what she's being fed but she does have the face that can only be found in a nightmare.


It's a strange face.

I saw some video where she's trying to speak "intimately" to the camera, it was on facebook yesterday, and I could only take a few seconds. Her strange gaze and shifting expressions were unsettling.


There is def something EXTREMELY unsettling about this girl and I do not like her.


Yeah, I feel the same way.

I'm from the US and it could be that she has "foreign features" I'm not used to. A lot of times I can tell if a white person is from another country because they don't look like the people here. Could be that.

I saw a Skrillex video called Equinox with a kid who looks like her.

However, she also has this wacky "eyes rolling around" thing that makes her look like she's got wild thoughts.

Not sure, but agree.


I'm part British (English) and part American. It's hard to describe really. There is just something 'unnatural' about her and I think the powers that be are using that to their advantage. She really is quite spooky.


Frankly, she looks insane to me.

I was trying to be nice and assume that people are filling her head with absolutes and since children aren't skeptical absolutes are ABSOLUTES and they are filling her with wild emotion and thoughts.

However, when I was 17 I was very bright and could figure out enough to know fact from fiction. But, this climate thing does confuse and charge people up. The fact is, there is no solution if it's real. If it's not real then it's hard to prove it's not, which is tricky.


ANd note her name is TinTin like in the classic cartoon, created in Belgium...


There are think tanks of people who pick people like Greta out.

They want a specific look and then they dress you and do your hair the way they see it.

She is a built character by these think tanks.

Just like aoc...these think tanks were looking for a person of color, female.
She showed up for an interview and was chosen , she then becomes a puppet everything from her wardrobe to what she says is heavily scripted.

Just like Arianna grande, there were think tanks coming up with ideas to create a central American pop star to add diversity.
After thousands of interviews they choose mostly on looks.
When chosen you become a character created by think tanks...they tell what songs to sing, how to dress, who you will date or be seen with..

The days of talent and breaking out on your own because of your musical skills are long gone.

Imagine have these girls telling these think tanks that they have zero musical abilities and that not even being a problem.

They are just puppets
