MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Why doesn’t she go to China or India?

Why doesn’t she go to China or India?

You know, actual places that have massive pollution issues? Go preach her mellow dramatic script over in those shit hole areas.


Um, because the UN Headquarters is in NYC.


Dafuq does the UN have to do with what I said? The UN is useless anyways.


Poor Jimmy. Lol!


So much mellow drama 🤣


Because this Climate movement is just another white-guilt movement in disguise. Why only whites can be racist? Why only males can be sexist? Why only slavery in western countries matters? (even when it was way more frequent in black Africa and in Muslim countries).

Last entry in the list: why only western countries are the ones where pollution matters?

Different questions... same answer.



To be fair, the pollution stemming from China and India is (or was in case of China) actually imported pollution from the wealthy western and asian countries.

In Vietnam, Japan and Korea are building a crapload of coal power plants for their factories there - the pollution in Vietnam is now unbearable. Same applies to China and other places - though China now has plenty of its own factories.

Of course, it's important to note that the governments of these polluted countries are also responsible for allowing other nations to build so many factories and coal power plants there - those governments are pretty corrupt and bribed by the western/asian corporations.

China now has a very healthy high tech sector of its own - and it doesn't need to rely on foreign companies to prop up its economy, so it is trying to clean itself up - so it refused plastics imports - and it's actually one of the biggest developers of renewable energy tech.

Vietnam and India..... no way are they going to start going clean now, because they pretty much depend on foreign investments and factories - so they are slaves to the foreign corporations who love cheap energy and coal power plants.


To be fair, the pollution stemming from China and India is (or was in case of China) actually imported pollution from the wealthy western

For some reason, I never heard that argument in reverse. Odd, isn't it?

I never heard that other countries buying products from US or Germany (for example) were responsible for the pollution in US and Germany.

If Germany makes a product and a Chinese buys it, that's western pollution. If China makes a product and a German buys it, wait for it.... that's western pollution too!! No matter what, it's always western fault!! Isn't it wonderful?

Textbook white-guilt.

That reminds me of the feminist reasoning: if a man is more protected than a woman, it means men have better conditions, so it's sexism against women. If a woman is more protected than a man, it means women are considered as inferior, so it's sexism against women too!


I've also mentioned wealthy Asian countries exporting pollution - so it's not all white guilt, amigo, unless you are half blind.


It mostly is.

This is South Korea CO2 emissions.

This is US

South Korea barely faces a tiny small part of the campaign western countries face, even tough their CO2 emissions are increasing, while US and EU are decreasing.

Because it's not about CO2, it's about white guilt.


You know those samsung phones - most of them are manufactured in SK - so Korea has plenty of factories within the country.
Apple phones? Those are all made in Asia.


The per-capita column is important to note, too. USA, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea are the highest per capita. Germany, Japan, and Russia are pretty high up there, too. So, it's not just that China is blasting the most, because with their population taken into consideration, they're lower.

If you look at the pie chart at the bottom, the USA is eating a slice a little over half of the slice China's eating, but with far fewer people. This data would lead one to think that it would be easier to shed a lot of pollution in the USA very quickly by lifestyle shifts and a couple of policies with manufacture.


No money backers there to support her. She doesn't travel for free you know.


Probably because China is already investing more in renewable energy that the US. They know what's good for them, unlike the spineless puppet in charge here.


I had to laugh at you reinforcing the point of this thread.


I'd get popcorn to watch her try and lecture them about pollution. They'd laugh their asses off her and run her out of town.


Sorry I don't rest my faith with a talking potato.


because that would make her a she is a swede, google some of the real problems they have.

It does not matter what we do in europe...... 3rd world people multiply like rodents and does not give a F about the environment and nature..... there is your inconvenient truth !
Also Indonesia and the whole of asia....F EM!
Killing animals and polluting the world with their this instance they are doing both at once !

Travel overthere Greta !!  


I tried. God knows I tried. I stared at those two words for minutes on end, but I just couldn't figure out what they meant. Then finally, I got it. And at the risk of being called a grammar nazi, I am compelled, compelled I tell you, to point out that there's no such thing as "mellow dramatic". The word you want is "melodramatic".

I feel so much better now.....

Btw, I totally agree with the intended meaning of your post, Jimmy. ;)


Lol, if you think about it, being mellow dramatic would mean you were pretty chill.


Haha, yes it would!
