MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Climate Change -- GloBULL Warming -- ref...

Climate Change -- GloBULL Warming -- refuted by ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC FACTS

See this 12-minute video for the blatant scientific evidence; you'll see why Climate Change Alarmists are using children/teens, like Greta, to convey their propaganda:


You have to give them credit -- it's an effective p.r. technique.


And the video didn't even enter the hurricane hoax.

The worst decades were 1915 to 1935. However, you won't see it in mainstream media.

If you check what were the strongest hurricanes landfalling in US since mid XIXth century:

Only 3 out of 13 happened in the last 40 years. 5 out of 13 happened during the two decades 1915 to 1935. There was another pike during the 60s (3 of them). When it comes to hurricanes, we're living in a low season.


It's all cyclical and that has been known for a long time now. It is no secret. Problem is the left is using this for political gain and power and of course MONEY. SWEEET MONEY. MMMMmmmm


Climate has always changed, and always will. We didn't cause it, and no amount of taxation, regulation, shaming, virtue signalling, and idiotic bird-murdering windmills will stop it.


High Five!!!!!


How dare you!

Don’t you know that communist left wing science has nothing to with facts and data, and everything to do with a popularity contest.

"There are many hypotheses in science which are wrong. That's all right. It's the aperture to finding out what's right.
Science is a self-correcting process.
To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny.

The worst aspect of the Velikovsky affair is not that many of his ideas were wrong or silly or in gross contradiction to the facts. Rather, the worst aspect is that some scientists attempted to suppress Velikovsky's ideas.

The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge. And there's no place for it in the endeavor of science.

We do not know beforehand where fundamental insights will arise from about our mysterious and lovely solar system. And the history of our study of the solar system shows clearly that accepted and conventional ideas are often wrong and that fundamental insights can arise from the most unexpected sources." - Carl Sagan


I thought the ocean was rising. Why can we still see this wreck from 70 years ago?


Gore claimed the ice cap would be melted by 2014, but it actually grew that year. Of course the lamestream LIEberal media gave him a pass.
