The dramatics

While watching his sleazy character in this film I kept hoping his older brother would show up and kick the living s*@t out of him. And not knowing at the time that he was "Pornstach" I wished he'd shown up and kicked his head in. Why does he continually play ass h*@es? People keep talking about his "range", but it's hard to go out of my way to watch him in anything else.


Why does he continually play ass h*@es? People keep talking about his "range", but it's hard to go out of my way to watch him in anything else.

I find it absolutely frustrating that I have to keep reading comments like this, it's a total insult to Pablo and his phenomenal acting skills.

I think a lot of people in the last few years have seen Pablo playing unlikeable characters, and then because his performance is so convincing, they actually find themselves enjoying hating him and refuse to see him as anything else but as "that actor who always plays scumbags".

Does anyone even LOOK at his list of works on IMDb??

Pablo does not "continually play assh@les". He has played countless different types of diverse characters in the last 10-15 years.

Exhibit A:

It's not his fault of people don't take it upon themselves to look up the other movies/TV shows he's been in. And it's sad because people are really missing out on some seriously underrated talent. Instead of applauding him for his ability to transition to different kinds of roles, people would rather bash him for playing 2-3 characters who aren't exactly pure.
